Baghdad and Kurdistan oil officials meet in Dubai to discuss resuming crude pumping through Ceyhan

Baghdad and Kurdistan oil officials meet in Dubai to discuss resuming crude pumping through Ceyhan

Officials from the Ministry of Oil met with representatives of the Kurdistan Oil Industry Association, Epicor, to discuss resuming crude oil pumping through the Ceyhan line to Turkey.

According to a statement issued by Epicor in Dubai, the meeting was held and attended by representatives of the association, the Iraqi ministry, SOMO, and the Iraqi North Oil Company.

The Kurdistan Regional Government’s pipeline closure forced international oil and gas companies operating in the region to halt production.

Turkey halted unauthorized exports of Iraqi oil from northern Iraq after being ordered by the International Chamber of Commerce in March to compensate the Iraqi government for exports made between 2014 and 2018.

Last October, the Turkish Energy Minister said that while the pipeline is ready to start shipments, Iraq has yet to receive official notification from Ankara.

During the meeting, representatives of the association and officials of the Ministry of Oil emphasized the urgent need to resume oil production and exports under mutually acceptable commercial terms.

Reuters quoted an “informed” source, but according to the report, the meeting did not agree on the next steps.

Epicor spokesperson Miles Caggins said this meeting was just an initial step, and they anticipate future meetings with all stakeholders.

Iraq, the second largest OPEC oil producer, exports approximately 85% of its crude oil through southern ports. In contrast, the northern route accounts for only about 0.5% of the world’s total oil supplies.