Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

I could imitate Bruce but since he is listening, it’s making me laugh to just think about that. I’ll just say welcome everyone to the big call on Thursday April 4th – and we really welcome you with open arms and we’re so grateful that we’re all connected – and we’re going to be honoring Bruce who’s making a very, very powerful comeback – but we will miss him. And it’s fun to think of him listening to us isn’t it Bob?

So now we’re going to DJ into the Intel segments  so everybody get ready, or we’re going to try to, honor Bruce again. And I texted him to see if he was looking and I haven’t gotten anything back. But here’s our intel for today – and it’s pretty powerful.

Our number one guy – that‘s how I refer to him often got word that tier three bondholders were going – have been started, and that they were emailed and should get emails sometime tomorrow about kind of where they are, what’s going on – Essentially identifying when they should be getting liquidity.

The next piece is that a paymaster called  our number one guy and said that activity in Reno is off the chart and what makes it significant is that they’ve added security they’ve really beefed up security.

And the reason why they’re beefing up security is that they are at a place where the bondholders that are out in Reno  are doing your Know Your Customer –  KYC –  and they are adding security to smooth that process up — So the fact that they’re, you know, supposedly just off the charts with activity and then they’re adding security to make it go faster, is very, very significant according to the person that reported that to us.

And another person called and said that – I don’t like this generic approach but you just got to take it- every bit. And this was another high up contact  – that this is right on top of us – right on top of us – and why is that even important  to hear something as generic as that – you’ve got to understand that  we have contacts in the bond arena –  In the high up executive watching this –

it would be like if you were sitting at a computer screen, and you could see movement because you’re a high of executive very, very high level executive at one of the top branches that we’re participating in the RV.

 And that is what makes this such a valuable information to get insight on is that these are people that are in positions where they’re witnessing this movement, and they’re reporting it to us and we’re fortunate enough to be able to report it to you and we wanted to say something I want to thank our incredible number one guy for all he has done.

He’s just done so much to get this intel and just be like he allowed the firehose to come through him. so I just want to say that because I think we’ve ever really deeply honored his commitment.

So finally, we’re hearing that we should be, quote unquote, a couple of days away and I said who is this person?  Now this is me speaking, not going through Bruce –  But me speaking to this number one guy They said this is a very high level friend and high level executive and he’s known for a really long time.

So these are people that, you know, it’s not just a casual acquaintance, they really care about this gentleman who is our number one source and he really trust them to give very accurate, very clear and very interested in his welfare and knowing it is our welfare – information – he is a high level executive from the West Coast.

We also had a discussion of hearing overbought, we were trying to confirm it, the scientific approach is to get confirmation in two or three areas.

So we were hearing that by – that there was talk of being asset backed, everything that matters is going to be asset back and then that should be happening this weekend. And we’re checking that out – we still waiting  on our final third confirmation but that was buzz that was coming around. And we got a chance to hear from someone that was traveling.

Let’s say  it was in a caravan, and he’s a very high level person. And he is also saying he contacted our guy last night and said, this is all incredibly close. And did you remember he had gotten a text yesterday? Did you hear that? Oh, no, you didn’t even hear that case we got a text from a top redemption center person.

They said that they had our appointments as being pending, for today. We didn’t have a phone call so I forgot to give it to them. So there was something that said we were pending  for today – But after going what happened to that?  and it hasn’t been said, but I think it’s that the Reno people and the bonds people are still finishing up. They’ve moved this extra security and so to speed the process and that we should be next –  

So the bottom line — And what I would do if I were you is just keep your eyes don’t be clinging or attached – but keep your eyes on your email. I would say — since it’s supposed to be in the next 24 to 38 hours – keep your eyes on your emails for Friday and Saturday.

What I would do is I take it so I just have kind of a sense of space to focus on Friday and Saturday. And then I give it like a little extra boundary and I go okay, maybe Monday /Tuesday. So that’s the way to sort of manage your expectations – focus on Friday and Saturday – your thoughts and your emotion aimed at this – pushing it you know saying see the 800 numbers letting it go.

That actually helps reinforce this actually helps with the intention of this getting out — to see all the people getting all the emails done, getting everything ready, that we’re next –  focus on Friday and Saturday, but also give yourself a cushion and just kind of prepare for maybe a little extra time.

And that will give you a way to feel like they’re supporting getting out in Christ. You’re using your power of your visualization and your thought and feeling which is incredibly powerful. You’re using it to move ahead and you’re looking forward to imagine what it’s gonna feel like when you see the 800 numbers.   We all collectively and the whole of humanity are able to get off the ride.

So that’s our intel  for tonight Bob  and let’s just hold that vision and stay strong and clear.   And I think that’s it for the call.

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