Deputy: The government has withdrawn many important laws, including the salary scale

Deputy: The government has withdrawn many important laws, including the salary scale

It was revealed today, Tuesday, by Zakho Amer Abdul Jabbar, the leader of the FAO meeting, that the government has repealed a number of significant legislation, including the pay scale law.

The government withdrew the salary scale law from the House of Representatives 515 days ago, according to Abdul-Jabbar, who also stated in an interview that “there are dialogues and sessions of the higher coordination committees for employees of Baghdad and the provinces in coordination with the offices of representatives for the purpose of follow-up.”

He stated, “The purpose of legislating the employee salary scale law is to achieve social justice and equal salaries among employees,” pointing out that “there is a parliamentary move to speed up the completion and approval of the new salary scale to raise the salaries of those with lower grades.”

He emphasized the necessity to “expedite sending the project to the House of Representatives in order to proceed with its legislation during the next stage.”