Goldilocks’ Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 11-14-23
Good Evening ,
CHICAGO, Nov. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — “Cboe Digital today announced plans to launch trading and clearing in margin futures on Bitcoin and Ether, beginning January 11, 2024.”
It looks like Bitcoin and Ether are going prime time on the Futures Trading Market. What makes this an important date is that crypto is about to be given regulated clarity and validity inside the markets.
If this is successful, tokenized assets that brings the digital world and traditional markets together would be the next step assuming regulatory clarity goes through to make it possible.
If so, we will be well on our way to witnessing the new digital economy begin networking across all sectors of the market taking baby steps into the future.
© Goldilocks
PRNewswire Link
BREAKING: 🇺🇸 US inflation falls to 3.2%, lower than expectations.
Key dates for Stellar Protocol 20 upgrade.
These dates are estimates, intended to help you plan to take necessary steps to prepare for the Protocol 20 upgrade. They may change over the next few weeks as audits and engineering tests are completed, and as new information comes in. When dates become definite, we will update this guide to let you know.
December 11 — Stellar Core, Horizon, and Soroban RPC pre-releases / Stellar SDK releases
December 18 — Testnet network upgrade readiness date and reset
December 19 — Stellar Core, Horizon, and Soroban RPC stable releases
January 30, 2024 — Public network upgrade readiness date
What do you need to do to prepare?
Before the January 30, 2024 readiness date, plan to install up-to-date versions of any and all Stellar-related software you use. If you fail to do so, your Stellar integration will be incompatible with Protocol 20, and it will likely break if and when an upgrade occurs.
👆 Sorry folks, Protocol 20 has been pushed to January 30th 2024.
If all goes well with the first article I sent to you today, we will be able to move forward with the tokenization of assets. I was wondering if this would get pushed back due to the first article I wrote this morning for you guys.
© Goldilocks
We have not seen any major shifts in the Forex Market due to the dollar being the world Reserve Currency and pegged to most of the major currencies, but things are changing.
As countries are moving to the utilization of their own local currencies in trade as a payment source, this is why you are seeing 4X reforms take place at this time to adjust to these new changes.
Yes, new values will come because of these changes, and we are waiting on them to still finish these changes due to the tokenization of these assets and the implementation of Protocol 20.
© Goldilocks
Forbes Link
When the traditional Market is transitioned over to the Digital Market being backed by real assets of real value, we can then begin looking for the final touches and conditions to be placed on what we are waiting for in currency revaluations.
© Goldilocks
“Gold will set us free, and all roads lead to gold.”
© Goldilocks
Fitch Affirms Inter-American Development Bank at ‘AAA’; Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings Link
If you are following closely to the change of events today taking place, you will realize that gold and digital tokens will affect the Forex Market.
These two sectors of the market are in process of being reformed and revalued. We are getting closer, but we are not there yet.
© Goldilocks
CFTC’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee to Meet November 13
Live updates: Federal government shutdown news CNN Link
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