Iraq signs with Siemens to convert burned gas into fuel for electricity within 6 months

Iraq signs with Siemens to convert burned gas into fuel for electricity within 6 months

In the German capital, Berlin, the Pastor of Power, Ziad Ali Fadel, consented to a significant arrangement with Siemens Energy Organization, to put resources into related gas and convert it into electrical energy, determined to address the issues of residents in a practical and safe way.

Fadel said in an explanation by the service, a duplicate of which {Al-Furat News} got, that “the understanding comes as a feature of the endeavors of the Iraqi government, headed by Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, to end the peculiarity of gas consuming and put it successfully in producing electrical energy, as well as inside the structure of its obligation to the choices of the Paris environment gathering in Safeguarding the climate and giving sustainable power sources.

He made sense of that “the understanding is portrayed by quick execution, as it incorporates effective financial planning around 120 million standard cubic feet (meaqf) of gas inside a brief time of a half year, and an extra 120 (meaqf) inside a time of one year, and the gas delivered will be utilized to lay out An electrical station with a limit of 2000 megawatts, to upgrade the capacities of the electrical organization and guarantee the strength of supply hours.

As far as concerns him, President of Siemens Energy, Christian Bruch, commended the endeavors made by the Iraqi government to defeat the difficulties and obstructions that have confronted the energy area over numerous years, focusing on that Iraq has prevailed during the beyond couple of years in laying out numerous framework projects that will contribute In building genuine abilities for the country’s energy area. ‏