These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
If…you only have 500,000 dinars, [a bank’s] wealth management department probably won’t talk to you. That’s why you need a team. Now the wealth management department is your team. They got the lawyer…trust funds…they can even collect taxes…They got everything you need in the wealth management department of a bank. There’s your team. But I also want to caution you. Chase Bank is in cahoot and partnership with JP Morgan… JP Morgan answers to the bank. JP Morgan does not answer to you. You must make the decisions that JP Morgan brings you as options…So as much as you may say, ‘Okay I’ll use the team the bank has.’ Just be aware that that team works for the bank not for you and at your expense they will make a profit for that bank.
According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :
Query: “What do you think would be the ideal exchange rate for the dinar?” Something that’s in the middle is what you need.An exchange rate of one to one would be ideal. Sufficient to enable them to maintain their competitiveness in the market for their exports while simultaneously gaining greater buying power from their imports. The ideal exchange rate, in my opinion, would be one to one.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
“May 9th WTO” is a community comment. The day in question is listed as a non-WTO working day on the WTO calendar.
According to Newshound Guru Samson :
Newspaper article: “The largest gas field in Iraq is close to seeing the light: a wealth that will reduce the import bill”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] Since they informed us that there would be a rate adjustment in their markets, Iraq has remained silent.and the CBI will now decide “when.” Then they became silent.Right now, quiet is not a terrible thing.They have informed us that they have prepared and operational new financial system. Additionally, millions of cards have been sent out to consumers for use in banking.
According to Newshound Guru Kaperoni :
The currency of a nation is not chosen at random. A number of variables, such as reserves, GDP, economic growth, etc., influence an exchange rate. Iraq still has a ways to go and needs to enact legislation to promote investment. The dinar’s worth can only increase if Iraq’s economy prospers.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
Query: “Do you have to change rates before May 9th ascension in the WTO?” No, a low exchange rate does not preclude participation in the WTO. It is not hampered by that.
According to Newshound Guru Clare :
The article: Counsel to the State leader: The dollar conversion scale in the equal market is slowly moving toward the authority one” Statement: “Saleh, confirmed that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one,” and “explained the dangers of the fluctuations in the exchange rate in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met.”
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] Is it possible that Iraq would remove all zeros, rendering everything we own worthless? MarkZ: Sudani declined. The RV’s designer, Dr. Shabibi, declined.In Iraq, almost everyone in a position of power has said no.
According to Newshound Guru Pimpy :
Some major issues raised by the Iraqi dinar community include the following: “Let them restore the exchange rate to $3.22, the previous rate.” That isn’t the previous rate. That has long since become a fiction.Although the $3.22 rate was present, it was not the one that remained when the currency lost value. It was around $1.52. The hydrocarbon legislation is the other one (myth), according to which Iraqi residents will get money if it is passed. They will not receive paid. Examine the legislation; it makes no mention of them receiving paid.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :
Everything is setting up for Iraq to become global. Why haven’t you noticed the wages being paid yet, or the oil starting to flow into Turkey? since they haven’t revealed or demonstrated a global actual effective exchange rate. That’s how I see it.
According to Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: There’s a person on TV discussing the benefits that Iraqi residents would experience from having a stable exchange rate linked to a stronger currency. According to him, Iraq now has a soft peg, and the floating exchange rate is not always set. FRANK: The education on monetary reform explains why a basket is not necessary.They are also saying that a float is not necessary. It’s because of how strong your reserves are.However, IMO, the float will happen as it must achieve the actual, worldwide effective exchange rate of your currency. Additionally, they are attempting to convince you that you do not require currency pegs, not even the dollar.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] There has been some talk from a different contractor who is reporting the same issues as the earlier contractors. According to many confirmations, prices vary from the mid- to upper-$3.s.They are employed by many firms in various industries, and they believe it will happen very soon.