Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (11-24-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] How long will it take us to schedule appointments following the RV? MarkZ: Thirty days, I heard. However, other connections think it will take more like ninety days.

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

The Article: “Iraqi government to Baghdad Today: We must adapt to the new political situation in the United States”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

We have yet to see the budget for 2024. How come we haven’t seen it? They are keeping that a secret until the very last minute, which is why we haven’t seen it yet. Recall that a significant amount of secrecy must be maintained during the entire process of altering the exchange rate from 1310 or 1320 to a much higher level. However, they still need to inform their constituents, explain what they are doing, how they plan to accomplish it, and why.The key, in my opinion, is budget exposure for 2024. That Rosetta Stone is it.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

The globe as a whole will profit from what Sudani is doing for Iraqi residents.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

THE VAULTS ARE NOT A hidden… WHAT IS WITHIN THEM IS. Article: “The Central Bank moves its secret vaults to its new building.. Clarification of the truth of the claim”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

Iraq is facing a budgetary crunch in 2025 as a result of the country’s budget, which has been mostly reliant on oil earnings for many years, being severely strained by falling oil prices. The government’s 2025 budget predictions may be too optimistic, leaving Iraq vulnerable if oil prices continue to decline, according to a new dire warning from the International Monetary Fund.The price of crude oil has recently dropped to about $70 per barrel on the international market, but the Iraqi government had planned for prices to stay steady at about $85 per barrel.In 2025, the nation could experience financial strain if non-oil earnings doesn’t rise significantly.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Newspaper article: “The Central Bank moves its secret vaults to its new building.. Clarification of the truth of the claim” Translation: “The information that talked about transferring secret safes and vaults that were underground in the old Central Bank of Iraq building on Rashid Street to the new building on Abu Nawas Street during the population census curfew is absolutely incorrect…moving anything to the new building is a normal matter and there is no secrecy in it, and everything is being done under the supervision of the relevant authorities, whether security or otherwise…”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Wolverine :

[via Judy Byington] We will undoubtedly enjoy our Christmas. I wanted to inform you that I am now subject to an NDA. To avoid disrupting the procedure, I am unable to speak at this time.Without a doubt, we are now near.

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

Newspaper article: “The Central Bank moves its secret vaults to its new building.. Clarification of the truth of the claim”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

[Update on boots on the ground in Iraq]Numerous sources claim that the dinar is worth more. Numerous news sources, including Channel One and Channel Three on television, discuss the dinar’s worthlessness and the necessity for its purchasing power to shift in order for the nation to advance and go in the correct path. People are under a lot of pressure to be educated.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Economist on tv is explaining approximately how a revaluation works. they are giving us examples of different international locations and after that how the foreign money is connected or pegged to a basket of other currencies. Wow…it is being advised to us constantly now each day. The making plans of the revaluation they say is accomplished and now reputedly this forex goes to be connected or pegged to a basket of other currencies. FRANK: in the event that they let you know it’s going to be pegged to a basket of other currencies,…it manner we’ve a brand new change rate due to the fact this is the simplest cause the opposite currencies inside the basket will play together with it…in addition they need to vary (soar up and down) with the value of your forex this is approximately to go insane!

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

But as you can see, they must first restore their infrastructure and economy. After they pay all of their bills, there isn’t much left over from oil income today. When they diversify their economy and these additional revenue streams start to flow in, as we are now witnessing, the surplus will arrive.As many people seem to believe would happen when they eventually enact the Oil and Gas Law, I would not bet on this HCL sparking the RV. [Post 2 of 2]

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Iraq continues to provide us with a wealth of news on teaching its people in various fields. The census is one major one. Since the invasion in 2003, no census of this magnitude has ever been carried out. Since then, a lot has changed. The Hydrogen Carbon Law (HCL), commonly known as the Oil and Gas Law, includes this census as part of Article 140 and the process of allocating the residents’ portions of the surplus oil revenue streams. Indeed, much like in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the GOI intends to provide oil profit shares to its population. [Post 1 of 2]

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] There are several events in Iraq that begin on Monday. The parliament says it will begin voting on significant measures on Monday after concluding the census. Many people think the HCL is included in this. Article: “Iraqi Parliament resumes session on Monday with Important Laws” Several of my sources think the HCL Law is among the contentious bills they have been discussing. In order to publish the updated rate, that and the census this coming week are required. All of us hope this is true. The majority of my acquaintances anticipate an amazing Thanksgiving (or earlier).