News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 8-1-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 1 Aug. 2024

Compiled Thurs. 1 Aug. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors/Opinions)

Wed. 31 July 2024 Wolverine: “Hi Guys. Everything is go, go, go, green, green, green. …I just spoke with Reno (thumbs up sign). Get ready. Get ready for the biggest transfer of wealth in history. This is history in the making and you are all part of history. Remember to lift up your vibrations and never ever turn away from God. You have all been chosen. Tomorrow I’ll be having a special live call with our special guest Elizabeth Rodriguez who has a few words to tell us. God bless you all. Your friend, Wolverine.”

Tues. 30 July 2024 TNT Tony: “On High Alert starting at 5am for 48 hours. Get in where you fit in.”

Wed. 31 July 2024 Suzette: “I am getting so many posts about the notifications coming out in the next 48 hours! Some of my contacts are from 2016/military. Everyone is saying to keep your email open and notifications on.”

Wed. 31 July 2024 Brazil Colombia Paymaster Hernan Bastidas, Mr. Savage: “The enterprise has over 80,000 personnel helping in this process, working in different projects for the benefits of the people. Yesterday a company in charge of the delivery is CALL CENTER will start giving notifications. Hernan Bastidas also stated that he the one directing the people to get the blessings to the CALL CENTER  due each person will be attended privately and there phone number is private at the call center, GERMAN BASTIDAS also said that he is in BRAZIL providing training to others leaders as is 29 of july he has sign an NDA so ALL process now will be take care the CALL CENTER .

Tues. 30 July 2024: Declassification of Information: NESARA GESARA, White Hats, Quantum Financial System (QFS), Banking Cartels, Brunson Brothers, and Empowerment of the People! – – American Media Group

Tues. 30 July 2024: BQQQM! Q Phones and GESARA: Trump’s Blueprint for Q Phones and GESARA Using Stellar Blockchain for a Global Currency Revolution! – – American Media Group


Global Financial Crisis:

Wed. 31 July 2024: The Master Key GRAND Revelations: Quantum Financial System XRP/L – A Paradigm Shift in Global Economics – Dave XRP Lion Reveals the Grand Secrets – – American Media Group

Wed. 31 July 2024 Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. … (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve are shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.

Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is growing!

QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested.

Earth & humanity are under construction while business is still open. The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks.


Wed. 31 July 2024 Unveiling a tangled web of covert operations, Fulford Report:

Trump declares that he will not create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), but speculation mounts that plans could change in late 2025, involving the USSF and Elon Musk.

Stay tuned as these unprecedented events continue to unfold and shape the fate of our world.


Judy Note:

Members of the US Congress were well aware of our corrupt financial system in place since 1913 that launders US Taxpayer money to the Elite, keeps those very taxpayers in debt and has resulted in a fiat US Dollar, yet politicians have been blackmailed and paid big monies to not do anything about it – which they don’t, never have and seem to have had no incentive to change the system in the future….

The Petrodollar has come to an end.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   Sudani is in control of his reforms.  Yeah, you still got a lot of troublemakers.  When you’ve been able to steal all your life and you depend on it and then all of a sudden it stops, you go into shock…Your sugar money stopped…Panic is what causes the bad people in Iraq to continually try to steal this monetary reform because the monetary reform will bring a new exchange rate, purchasing power and the lower notes.  But if you do that then there’s no way to steal the money anymore.  It’s a good thing for the Iraqi citizens…

Militia Man  There’s been some blow back.  We have those guys who just don’t want Iraq to move forward because their cash cow goes away.  That’s what we’re seeing and that’s why it’s intense…The last few weeks have really been powerful…We are watching history being made.

Iraq Implementing e-Visas for Investors DRP Update Exchange Rates IQD & VND

Edu Matrix:  8-1-2024

Iraq Implementing e-Visas for Investors DRP Update Exchange Rates IQD & VND. Development Road Project Update. Currency News;

The FALL OF AN EMPIRE. What Are They Desperately Trying To Hide From Us?

Greg  Mannarino:  7-31-2024