Urgent {Theft of the Century} returns to the forefront… and the Integrity Commission reveals shocking information

Urgent {Theft of the Century} returns to the forefront… and the Integrity Commission reveals shocking information

Judge Haider Hanoun, the head of the Integrity Commission, made the announcement today, Thursday, that one of the major defendants in the tax deposit theft case would be extradited.

“The accused Nour Zuhair is bailed and will be tried,” Hanoun stated during a press conference. The judiciary is in charge of the theft of tax deposits, and the Integrity Commission is only in charge of enforcing the laws. The government gives this case its full attention because it will not go away.

“The accused Qasim Muhammad Muhammad was extradited from the Kurdistan Region after he had been a fugitive in Turkey,” he continued. The Humpbacked Whale Company appoints him as its managing director. The accused have been accused of stealing 988 billion Iraqi dinars, but these are not the final figures.

He continued, “Another accused, Mohammed Falah Al-Janabi, the managing director of Al-Qant Company, was arrested.” Through 79 forged checks, he is accused of stealing more than a trillion dinars. We will quickly locate the third accused of stealing tax deposits, who is currently in custody in the Emirates.

“Abdul Mahdi Tawfiq, who is wanted on charges of stealing more than two trillion dollars, was taken into custody. Additionally, he is the Humpbacked Whale Company’s managing director. Alaa Khalaf Maran, the fourth suspect in the theft of tax deposits, is currently a fugitive in either Lebanon or Turkey. He added that “two dual nationals were arrested by the Kuwaiti authorities and the amounts owed to them amounted to 124 million dollars and will be returned to Iraq” and that he was associated with Al-Kadhimi’s office. “He had 890 billion dinars in his pocket,” he explained.

“The final amount of the theft of tax deposits exceeds what was announced, and the recovery of more than two million dollars and 155 million that had been buried underground in Babylon, in addition to nine properties of a former general manager in the General Directorate of Railways, and we are in the process of investigating him regarding the inflation of funds,” he said at the speech’s conclusion.