TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Monday 4-22-2024


CandyKisses:  Investors from 145 countries at Abu Dhabi Investment Summit

Abu Dhabi (Nina) – Investors from 145 countries will participate in the AIM Investment Summit 2024, which will be held under the theme “Adapting to the Transformation of the Investment Landscape: Harnessing New Potential for Global Economic Development”, from May 7 to 9, at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. During the summit, the best investment opportunities for the global business community will be reviewed and discussed.

25 ministers, 45 mayors, 12 central bank governors, 900 speakers, 9 global stock exchanges, more than 50 unicorns, and more than 12,000 participants from 175 countries around the world will participate in 27 joint events organized in cooperation with more than 304 international partners.

The summit aims to provide an ideal platform that enables all participants to exchange experiences and ideas to stimulate global economic growth, discuss the challenges facing the world and come up with innovative solutions. 

Tishwash:  Exclusive.. The Iraqi government: A big surprise in Erdogan’s historic visit to Baghdad

The Iraqi government revealed, on Sunday evening, the details of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the capital, Baghdad, tomorrow, Monday morning, noting that “there is a big surprise” related to the agreements and memorandums of understanding to be signed in various fields.

The government spokesman, Bassem Al-Awadi, told Shafaq News Agency, “The Turkish President’s visit to Baghdad is a historic visit, and this visit will chart a path for Iraqi-Turkish relations that did not exist previously at all. This is not an attempt to exaggerate, but rather it is real, and tomorrow’s visit is Monday.” “I will reveal this matter to everyone.”

Al-Awadi added, “The visit will witness the signing of two agreements, in addition to approximately (25) memorandums of understanding, and these will advance the nature of Iraqi-Turkish relations, and there is a big surprise during the visit, especially with regard to the water file, and those agreements and memorandums will focus on security, the economy, and the path to development.” “.

He explained, “Erdogan’s visit to Baghdad tomorrow, Monday, is of great importance, especially since it is his first visit in 13 years, and the visit was worked on by various joint committees throughout the past year, in order to arrange the papers in the economic and security files and in the development road project.”

The Iraqi government spokesman confirmed, “Tomorrow, Monday, will be an important day in shaping the nature of relations between Baghdad and Ankara, and there will be a surprise and signed agreements that are the first of their kind between the two countries.”

Informed sources told Shafaq News Agency that Erdogan will sign about 37 multifaceted memorandums of understanding, the most important of which is the strategic framework memorandum for cooperation between the two countries, from which five committees are divided, as follows: security, water, economic, energy, and transportation.

Erdogan is visiting the capital, Baghdad, after a visit he made in 2011, and the Iraqi-Turkish talks focus on security, military and economic files, in addition to expanding trade cooperation.

Turkey says it is seeking greater cooperation from Baghdad in its war against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, a file that has further strained relations between the two countries due to Turkish military operations in northern Iraq, as well as disputes over oil exports and sharing scarce water supplies.

The dispute over oil exports from the Kurdistan Region is particularly thorny, and the two sides disagree over the resumption of oil exports from a pipeline through Turkey.

After nearly a decade of seeking international arbitration, the Iraqi government won recognition of its right to control oil exports, and Ankara was ordered to pay $1.5 billion in compensation for transporting them without Baghdad’s approval. In protest, Ankara closed the export pipeline.

Ankara later began maintenance work on the pipeline, which contributes about 0.5% of global crude oil supplies. The two countries agreed to wait until the pipeline maintenance assessment is completed to resume flows while they continue to engage in a legal battle over the arbitration awards.  link


Tishwash:  Parliamentary Finance: We are awaiting the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules during this month

Today, Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that the 2024 budget schedules will reach the House of Representatives during the current month

The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement received by Al-Rabaa: “We are awaiting the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules during this month,” stressing “the effort to correct the path of the budget by maximizing non-oil revenues, encouraging the private sector, and reducing operational spending.”

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Sunday, that the House of Representatives is awaiting the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules during the current month.

The committee stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “The Chairman of the Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, received today the Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy.”

Al-Atwani pointed out, “We are awaiting the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules during this month,” stressing “the effort to correct the path of the budget by maximizing non-oil revenues, encouraging the private sector, and reducing operational spending.”

He called on “German companies to enter Iraq and invest in various sectors, most notably the production and improvement of electrical energy,” calling on “the German embassy to follow up on the implementation of the agreements and memorandums of understanding that the Sudanese signed during his visit to Germany.”

While the Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy confirmed that “the stability of the situation in Iraq encourages the entry of our companies to invest in various fields.”   link