TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Monday 4-29-2024


Tishwash:  The Central Bank sponsors the launch of the activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week in Iraq

The activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week were launched in Iraq, from April 27 to May 2, in cooperation with the Association of Private Banks, under the slogan “Encouraging savings to enhance financial inclusion.”

The activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week, which include various governorates, aim to spread banking awareness, protect the public, and provide the best banking services to the public.

It is noteworthy that the activities of the Financial Inclusion Week reflect the continuing efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq to enhance financial inclusion in Iraq.

Central Bank of Iraq
Information Office
29 – April – 2024  link

CandyKisses:  It was a source of fear and terror. Iraq today is a destination for tourists


When Iraq is mentioned almost ten years ago, the manifestations of fear, terror, murder and bombings are criticized in the world mentality, due to the American-Zionist terrorism that gathered all the terrorists of the world and brought them into the country to eliminate it . 

But after the elimination of the terrorist organization ISIS, at the hands of the heroes of the valiant resistance, the Popular Mobilization Forces and the Iraqi security forces, Iraq has today become a destination for the whole world

And from different segments, whether politicians, Artists, athletes or tourists, singing about its beauty, nature and archaeological sites that take them to the stories of One Thousand and One Nights, Sinbad, Shanashil and the purity of the Tigris and the Euphrates.

What strengthened this matter, Iraq became a center for the establishment of a range of international, Asian and Arab activities, including sports tournaments as well as conferences in various sectors such as art, culture, economy and others, the latest of which was the Arab Labor Conference held yesterday


Tishwash:  Sudanese opens Iraq’s doors to major international companies

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani expressed Iraq’s aspiration to cooperate with major international companies in the field of technology and information technology to move to the digital economy and improve the direction of investments. He also expressed the Iraqi government’s desire to cooperate with technology companies and benefit from them in developing the agricultural sector. In Iraq, indicating that agriculture is a priority in the government program.

This came during Al-Sudani’s reception, yesterday, Sunday, of a group of heads of major international companies in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on the sidelines of his participation in the World Economic Forum.
In the Saudi capital, Riyadh, the Prime Minister met with the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, the importance of consolidating them, and reviewed the files of joint cooperation and its growth within the work of the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council, which resulted in several understandings in various fields.

Al-Sudani expressed Iraq’s aspiration for broader economic cooperation with the Kingdom, which contributes to enhancing growth and provides new opportunities in various economic fields, which reflects the interests of the two brotherly countries and the prosperity of their people.

For his part, the Saudi Crown Prince welcomed the Prime Minister and expressed his thanks for accepting the invitation and participating in the World Economic Forum, stressing Saudi Arabia’s keenness to achieve the best relations with Iraq and raise the level of mutual cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

The meeting touched on the situation in Gaza, and the killing and starvation that the Palestinian people are witnessing at the hands of the occupation forces, and stressed the need to make great efforts to stop the war, the effects of which were reflected in regional and international stability.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani also met, in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, with the Emir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

During the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries were discussed, and ways to develop and advance them, for the benefit of the two brotherly peoples, by investing in the historical and social neighborhood that links Iraq and Kuwait, and emphasizing the importance of maintaining good-neighborly relations and mutual respect.

The meeting discussed the latest developments in the region, especially what is happening in the Gaza Strip in terms of the ongoing Zionist aggression that has caused thousands of martyrs and wounded, and the importance of taking a unified Arab position in order to end the tragedies of the Palestinian people.

Al-Sudani also received, at his residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, the regional president of the technology company. German SAP Emmanuel Raptopoulos and his accompanying delegation, on the sidelines of his participation in the World Economic Forum.
The meeting witnessed a discussion of ways of cooperation with SAP, which reviewed its experiences in various parts of the world, as it is considered the largest in the world in the field of developing large programs that combine visions.

Al-Sudani stressed the possibility of cooperating with the company through a joint work program, which includes benefiting from its services in digitizing the economy, which will help achieve innovation and improve the direction of investments, indicating the government’s aspiration to also benefit from its services by including this type of software in Curricula of specialized colleges, and in the field of training in the field of institutional software.

For his part, Raptopoulos expressed the company’s readiness to cooperate with the Iraqi government in the technological fields, which helps it implement its vision and plans towards an economy that keeps pace with technological developments in the world.   link


Tishwash: Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq can track money laundering crimes even abroad

The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed today, Sunday (April 28, 2024), that Iraq can track money laundering crimes, through its supervisory bodies, even outside the country.

Committee member Duraid Jamil Ishou told “Baghdad Today” that “Iraq, through its competent oversight bodies in the Integrity Commission as well as its competent security agencies from the Intelligence Service and others, can track all money laundering crimes,” noting that “Iraq has achieved success in this file during the last period”.

Ishua stated, “Some of the movements of these agencies in this file are secret to ensure the success of the tracking operations, and there is coordination with the country in which this money is moved, in addition to tracking the fleeing corrupt people in coordination and cooperation with the international police,” noting that “Iraq’s foreign relations are good with all countries.” This contributed to achieving success in pursuing the fleeing corrupt people and recovering Iraq’s smuggled money.”

The Integrity Commission had announced that international arrest warrants had reached 19, and the number of requests for legal assistance related to seizing smuggled funds outside Iraq had reached 17 requests, while smuggled funds and their financial transfers amounting to 400,000 US dollars, 22 real estate, 8 shares in companies, 9 bank accounts, and one wheel were followed.

 While the value of corruption funds smuggled outside Iraq amounted to 1,400,500 US dollars, and 10 real estate properties in one investigative case, according to the Integrity Report for 2023 activities.  link