TNT – “Tidbits From TNT” Wednesday Morning 4-17-2024


Tishwash:  US Supports Iraq in joining WTO

At a meeting on Monday between Iraq’s Minister of Planning, Mohammed Tameem, and US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, Iraq renewed its commitment to joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to protect intellectual property rights.

The United States has pledged support for a series of projects under the International Visitor Leadership Program aimed at developing expertise in these areas among Iraqis.

Both parties have recognized the importance of strategic projects and infrastructure development in Iraq, which will support regional integration and enhance international trade. ink

CandyKisses:  Meetings at the American Chamber of Commerce between the Iraqi private sector and the American banking sector

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 8:06

Baghdad (NINA) – On the sidelines of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani’s visit to the United States of America, meetings were held in Washington at the American Chamber of Commerce between the Iraqi private sector and the American banking sector to support long-term projects in Iraq.

This is the first time that the Iraqi government has supported the private sector with bonds to qualify it in negotiations with the American side./


Tishwash:  A new government position regarding the 2024 budget schedules.. Have they been completed?

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, considered the presentation of the financial tables for the fiscal year 2024 by the executive authority for parliamentary approval, “a flexible legislative path as an integral part of the financial constants and principles” of the tripartite budget law.

Saleh said in a statement followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “These tables include revenues, public expenditures, and the estimated hypothetical deficit, and they are within the law that was originally legislated by the House of Representatives and published in the Official Gazette last year.”

He added: “The proposed financial schedules, which are being prepared by the executive authority today and which have become almost complete, are based on the financial legislation in force and approved under the aforementioned tripartite budget law.”

He continued, “The financial schedules prepared for the year 2024 will take into account the urgent economic and social conditions and changes required by the need for economic development in the year 2024, especially new investment projects, and financial commitments and pledges during the current year, with a view to implementing them as an annual financial plan within the framework of the principles of the tripartite general budget itself.” In letter and spirit   link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani: The issue of ending the presence of the international coalition represents an Iraqi demand

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed, on Tuesday, that the transition to bilateral relations with the coalition countries is a desire and a departure from Iraq’s national interests, while he indicated work to remove Iraq from the arena of conflict in the region.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by “Al-Ma’louma” that “the most prominent thing in the press interview conducted by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani with the American CNN news network is that he said: “My visit to Washington comes at a sensitive and important time for our relations.” bilateral relations and what is happening in the region, and we agreed on the importance of stopping the escalation and not engaging in further mutual retaliatory actions; Because it affects the security and safety of the peoples of the region.”

He added, “Iraq, since the beginning of the events of October 7, was one of the first to warn of the danger of the continuation of this conflict and its dangerous repercussions,” pointing out that “international navigation in the Red Sea is being obstructed and what is happening in Lebanon and Syria and the recent escalation is one of the repercussions of this conflict.” “.

He pointed out that “the region cannot bear these events and everyone must put pressure to stop this escalation,” stressing that “we will not be lax in enforcing the law and maintaining security and stability in Iraq, and we have taken immediate and practical measures in this matter.”

He continued: “We are working to remove Iraq from the arena of conflict, while maintaining our principled position regarding the aggression taking place against Gaza and the Palestinian territories, because this is the root of the problem,” indicating that “the region cannot be reduced to reactions. Rather, there is a process of genocide to which the Palestinians are being subjected.” In front of the eyes of the world and the international community, which, along with its systems and laws, has failed to protect innocent civilians.”

He pointed out that “the casualties of women and children are unacceptable, and it is the root of the problem, because once this war stops, the region will witness a breakthrough and stability,” noting that “the difference in positions between us and the United States regarding events in the region is not small in describing the events. But we agree that there is international law, general principles, humanitarian law, the laws of war, and the principle of protecting diplomatic missions.”

He explained: “We want to implement these values ​​and principles called for by the international community, so where are the UN Security Council resolutions and the recommendations of international conferences regarding the Palestinian issue? Since the Oslo, Madrid and Sharm El-Sheikh conferences, as well as the recent Security Council resolution,” he added, adding: “I do not think that President Biden He disagrees with me on these principles, nor does any country that calls for an international order that respects humanity.”

He stated that “the attack that took place on the Iranian mission in Damascus is a clear violation and contradicts international law, which prompted Iran to respond, even though we made an effort to contain this situation,” adding: “We are facing a real problem with what is happening in Gaza, which affects the stability of the region and the world.” “Ignoring the root of this problem means more repercussions and the expansion of the arena of conflict in a sensitive area for the world.”

He continued: “We have not received reports or indications of the launch of missiles or drones from Iraq during the Iranian attack, and our position is clear that we will not allow Iraq to be thrown into the arena of conflict, and we are committed to this matter,” explaining that “Iran cannot be involved in every issue related to the Iraqi situation.” “The issue of ending the coalition is an Iraqi demand, and it is part of the government program that the House of Representatives voted on, and these are facts that must not be overlooked.”

He stressed that “there has been a discussion about the mission of the coalition between the Iraqi government and the United States since August 2023, and Iraq today is different from what it was ten years ago when the coalition was formed,” noting that “ISIS today does not represent a threat to the security of the Iraqi state, and it is natural for the government to take the initiative to organize The topic of the international alliance.

He pointed out that “our security services have reached the highest levels of efficiency, readiness, control, and maintenance of security and stability in Iraq,” stressing, “According to the data on the ground, we initiated dialogue with the United States, which was achieved through the approval of the Supreme Military Committee, which meets continuously to present proposals.” About the timetable for ending the international coalition’s mission.”

He pointed out that “the transition to bilateral relations with the coalition countries is a desire and based on Iraq’s national interests and not from the desires of specific countries or positions,” noting that “we have understandings and committees for joint security cooperation between Iraq and the United States, which hold their meetings on an ongoing basis and establish a sustainable relationship and bilateral security partnership.” In accordance with what was stipulated in the Constitution and the Strategic Framework Agreement.”   link