Coordination between electricity and oil to compensate for the shortage of Iranian gas

Coordination between electricity and oil to compensate for the shortage of Iranian gas

The Ministries of power and Oil are coordinating to compensate for the lack in the supply of Iranian gasoline, which has affected the operation of producing stations and reduced the hours of strength deliver.

The reputable spokesman for the Ministry of energy, Ahmed Moussa, told there is a decline within the supply of Iranian gas used to perform electricity plant life through about 10 million meters.


He brought that this count affected the hours of instruction during the beyond length, and restrained the paintings of a number of producing devices, further to the shutdown of some stations.

Moussa careworn that the ministry is running to deal with the gasoline scarcity and perform some preservation at the side of a drop in temperatures, and for that reason work on programming the strength stations, completing renovation, and addressing the bottlenecks discovered by the technical and engineering groups and upkeep teams on the electric energy structures in most regions of the country.

He brought that work is underway to amplify and modernize transmission traces and transformer stations to address the shortage in deliver hours in some regions. This comes as part of a proactive plan to keep tempo with the height iciness masses.

Moussa talked about that the cabinet’s directives might be carried out to compensate for the lost or imported fuel and gas from the Iranian facet when the iciness loads height thru coordination with the Ministry of Oil, noting that the Ministry of power controls the operation of the technology and distribution stations via its proactive plan that it implements in the particular mechanisms for the continuity of providing all regions of the usa with electric energy.

On Sunday, November 24, the Ministry of energy introduced that the Iranian fuel supplies have been completely halted for maintenance purposes for 15 days to Baghdad, the primary governorates, and the middle Euphrates, which caused the countrywide energy device to lose 5,500 megawatts.