Economist explains the impact of regional tension on Iraqi oil exports

Economist explains the impact of regional tension on Iraqi oil exports

Safwan Qusay, an expert in economics, said that oil exports were being affected and tensions were being created in the area by the United States and the Zionist organization.

“Oil prices have fallen to $77 per barrel, but the value of the decline is less than the decline in the value of stocks,” Qusay stated in an interview.

He went on to say, “There is a fear of the expansion of the circle of conflict in the region, especially since Iran is a large country and the process of its entry into a Middle Eastern conflict requires time and funding.” The American economy will undoubtedly transition from a development zone to a war zone, affecting technological and industrial businesses.

“Oil supplies will be affected in the event of a comprehensive war in the Strait of Hormuz, as exports from this region represent 20% of the world’s oil exports,” he went on to say.

He made sense of that “the Waterway of Hormuz addresses a critical point, as any contention in this waterway will adversely influence Iraqi oil sends out as well as incomes.” He made sense of that “Iraq has a save at the level of the National Bank that can fund working costs for somewhere in the ballpark of 360 days as it were.”