Iraq and Poland Explore Economic and Agricultural Cooperation

Iraq and Poland Explore Economic and Agricultural Cooperation

A delegation from Iraq’s Parliamentary Committees on Agriculture, Water, Marshlands, economic system, and exchange, led by means of MP Faleh Al-Khazali, visited the Polish Chamber of trade in Warsaw to speak about strengthening bilateral monetary, agricultural, and business ties.

The delegation met with Mr Shumovsky, Head of global Cooperation at the Chamber, and senior Polish exchange officials. Discussions blanketed proposals for a joint monetary conference related to enterprise leaders, providers, and exchange associations from each international locations. The initiative objectives to foster mutual change and monetary boom via practical collaboration.

Mr Shumovsky expressed Poland’s readiness to facilitate agreements and recommended easing visa processes for Iraqi entrepreneurs to discover Polish agricultural and industrial initiatives. Al-Khazali proposed a complete take a look at on capability investment opportunities to guide destiny collaborations and address present challenges.