Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (01-20-2025)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Walkingstick :

‘East’ [Aki’s Middle Eastern firm] is rumored to have received nine currencies in a basket. It might be less or more…The outcome might be either asset-backed or float-backed. It makes more sense to float…But according to the East, if there is a basket, we will see the Euro, the British pound, the Swedish Krona, and the Austrian shilling.

According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :

Article titled “Iraq’s gold reserves significantly increased” The third quarter of 2024 saw a 57% increase in [Iraq’s] gold reserves. In 2023, Iraq’s gold reserves were worth 10.7 trillion Iraqi dinars, or $8.1 billion USD. By 2024, they had increased to 16.8 trillion dinars, or $10.6 billion USD. Iraq now has 152.6 tons of gold, making it the 29th largest gold-holding nation in the world and the third-largest in the Arab world, after Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, according to the World Gold Council.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: At the moment, a television news show is discussing currencies and the nations that issue them. Before they introduce our new currency, it appears that they want to educate us further on monetary reform.One of these is the Kuwaiti dinar, which has a reserve of $105 million and is worth $3.23. Iraq claims to hold reserves of $145 million, which is 43% more than Kuwait has.As we see it, our currency ought to be stronger as well. FRANK: Certainly.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] “CBI unveils new banknote security features” is the article. There are several images, and they teach us what to look for and where some of these traits could be on the old banknotes. This is a top-notch strategy for dispersing the lesser denominations and providing excellent protection for new notes. They will have to disseminate the lower denominations to banks and companies in order to use the new security feature on the banknotes. I was quite delighted by this story. One of the most advanced currencies in the world will be the dinar.and it ought to be since, in my opinion, it is on the verge of becoming the world’s most valuable currency.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Compared to Kuwait, Iraq has 43 percent more oil. The non-oil revenue is what [Kuwait] lacks. It has a lot of power. It demonstrates that Iraq is fully capable of having an actual, functional exchange rate that is comparable to the rest of the region and at least competitive.

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

Translation: “The Central bank of Iraq reviewed the excellence enjoyed by Iraqi bank notes as they are one of the most complex security marks and were manufactured from the best types of paper used in printing bank notes to ensure quality and safety.” Naturally, they display earlier cash, but due to counterfeiting, they won’t give you the current one.You wonder, “Well, they’re going to be printing new 25k notes for 1310 in terms of the US dollar exchange rate?” Now why do you do that? The 25k note is packed with security protections, which you already have.Are they referring to fresh notes? They do, I believe. [Post 2 of 2]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The article: “Iraq launches new banknotes with innovative security signs for the visually impaired” It appears to be brand-new money. I don’t possess any money. You may feel bumps. “There will be plenty time for the people to get used to these new banknotes…The Central Bank affirmed that there is no plan to remove the old banknotes from circulation and that the new ones will be sold alongside the old ones. Recall that several notes have already been removed from the system.In reality, they were ruining perfectly excellent money. [Post 1 of 2…stay tuned]

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article: “New banknotes with cutting-edge security features for the blind and visually impaired are issued by Iraq.” Translation: “The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that the new banknotes will be circulated alongside the old ones, and there will be no intention to withdraw the old banknotes from circulation.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

A float is what I like. Start slowly so I don’t end up in a basket. I’m from America, and we want a New York nanosecond right now, even if it could be beneficial and better control over GDP, inflation, and everything else. Simply going to the float, starting at $3.22, letting it go, and then capping it is what I would like.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Article: “List of people attending Trump’s inauguration: One of them is an Iraqi Cleric” Trump has a lot of popularity in Iraq.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

…economic expert Nabil Jabbar Al-Tamimi claims that after putting all of these banking and financial reforms into place, they are prepared for FOREX. The measures outlined in the White Paper have been effective. It’s time to proceed to the following phase, which is… We recently learned what the next step should be from Mustafa Hantoush, a financial and banking researcher. I’m referring to FOREX, yes! With all of the reforms’ advancements, I don’t see the Trump administration failing to see the need to go to FOREX in order to go to the next phase. The US Treasury will undoubtedly concur.According to [my] CBI contact, Iraq is being given the “all clear” to proceed.