Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (08-12-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Breitling :

The key for Iraq – For them not to be subject to the dollar. They will be entirely dependent on the US dollar if their economy is entirely dependent on energy. How would they get their cash beyond that? They need to open up to carrying on with work in totally various areas… Then they can connect that piece of the economy to the Iraqi dinar. What’s more, they can enhance the dinar as they see fit. That has always been the overarching objective of our plans for Iraq…

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The National Bank of Iraq has been on top of it. They’ve been working in conjunction…with the US Depository and Central bank to persuade Iraq to be in consistence with global standards…If you’re doing terrible arrangements you will have an issue…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

We can assume that Iraq will soon be in Washington, DC, talking to people about how to get back on Washington’s good graces, getting some of the banks’ sanctions lifted, and moving forward with reform without looking for ways to penalize Iraq every time it does something to irritate the Biden Administration.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

We have been waiting for the release of the new exchange rate all this time. We have been in wait since the start of the year. Nothing. What is happening? It’s planned. What’s happening? We have the budget, and it’s ready to go. The theft and those who commit theft are the issue. The corrupt officials in the Iraqi government who pilfer funds from the CBI auctions have been subdued.Right present, the US Treasury makes all of the choices.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] It was a little quieter on the bond front today than I had anticipated.I have not yet received any confirmation that anyone is sitting with money.One of them held a conference call today, and I believe they will receive financing tomorrow afternoon. I’m hoping they get it. [See MarkZ’s post from 8/12/2024 below]

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article titled “Parliamentary Committee to Nina: A government team is preparing a new draft of the Oil and Gas Bill” The quote is: “Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has assigned a” trio of ministers “to prepare a new final draft that will be presented first within the Council of Ministers for approval, and then sent to the House of Representatives later”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Jeff :

The court will probably declare the budget unlawful by mid-September, at which point it will be reversed. Until the court overturns the budget, nothing will happen in Iraq at all. The budget has not yet been released in the Gazette. That’s still quite good.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] in relation to bonds. Even this morning, there are a lot of people expecting bond payouts today and tomorrow. Although we have heard this before, there are now some significant variations. It encourages me to believe that this is it.Additionally, the bond holders will present us with actual, spendable cash. If this happens, there are murmurs circulating among the financial community that by midweek, a calendar, if not real exchange appointments, may be in place. Wait and cross your fingers to see whether this is genuine. It should be important for us to find out now and tomorrow.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

Article: ” Is “floating the currency” a way to deal with Iraq’s high dollar crisis? A delegate makes sense of” Statement: ” There are calls to drift the swapping scale in Iraq…Floating the cash is a technique in view of changing the conversion standard, passing on it to showcase factors (organic market), to decide its worth with practically no type of mediation by the monetary authority…There are two sorts of drifting: the first is outright drifting, and the subsequent sort is overseen drifting, for example the sort wherein the national bank intercedes to coordinate the conversion standard up or down, as it wants to accomplish the interests of the public economy.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Jeff :

The present governor of the central bank should retire, according to the Supreme Judicial Council’s decision. Recall that he is serving a second term. In 2018, during his first term, he printed the new notes with his signature in the lesser denomination category at the bottom. They merely re-instated him for a second term in order to commission the rate adjustment. It is now being said that he will have to retire. There is no stated date of retirement.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

Sudani collaborates with the Treasury of the United States. IMO the Unfastened States Depository is sitting in the seat of the legislative leader of the CBI where Alaq typically sits…I view this as an impetus to see the Loosened States Depository there. What’s happening has me very excited…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Pimpy :

Would it be advisable for him to remain or would it be a good idea for him to go? There are numerous rumors that Alaq will resign or that he will be fired due to his age; it is time for him to retire. Then, at that point, you got individuals out there saying, ‘Gracious, this is all phony information.’ Or it could simply be that some dishonest members of the government are still in power and are attempting to take control of the Central Bank of Iraq. One of the first things they need to do is force Alaq out. Could it be that these stories are going around because they want Alaq out? Did he truly participate in certain wrongdoings? There are numerous scenarios to choose from. That is the arrangement with Iraq, you’re not generally 100 percent sure of what’s truly happening…

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The article: “Referring Al-Alaq to retirement: a legal step or settling political scores?” There had been rumors that he was going to step down over the past several days. That was devoid of any real substance.They then pursued his age. He was deemed too elderly by them. Subsequently, it is being suggested that political scores are causing this conflict and negative press.There are some folks who earned a lot of money from those dollar auctions and aren’t going to make any more. They persisted in doing it for ages.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

We continued to read stories about the current financial changes, which is exactly what I had been informed would happen. Yes, the steps are being taken just as my [CBI] source informed me they would be, and the banks’ predicament would be rectified quickly.