These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :
Perhaps Trump’s desired US dollar should be placed in a basket beside the Iraqi dinar.To get the dinar to $1.00, he wants it in a basket with the dollar. He wants other currencies in that basket to support one another. By doing so, these currencies will become more secure, stable, valuable, globally recognized, and so on.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :
This is the reason why the US is under pressure to pass a budget amendment law, according to the article “Parliamentary Energy.” According to the quote: “The amendment of the budget aims to address the oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil,”
According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :
We’ve been keeping up with this RV story for a while. We are aware that all of the banking reforms have been finished, including those outlined in the White Paper.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :
Article titled “Interior: Opening of an office to issue national cards in the American city of Detroit”
According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :
Yes, I have been really excited about the dinar.The evidence that demonstrates Iraq is genuinely carrying out its plans, including the digital transformation, which includes their future currency, should be readily apparent to anyone who has been in the country for the past two years. It excites me greatly. Our current situation is far superior to what we had two years ago.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
I don’t think humanitarian programs are a good idea. I’m completely against that, you know. It is crazy of you to believe that someone will offer you a larger rate than the CBI will. These humanitarian endeavors are ensuring that. For this reason, they offer, “Give me your dinars, and we’ll hold onto them and pay you back much more than the CBI.”
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] What is the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for IQD to appear on Forex? MarkZ: I could look foolish, but I believe that the IQD on FX could be seen from Saturday night into Sunday morning.
According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :
After the 2023 invasion of Iraq, the u . s . a .’s forex, the Iraqi dinar, underwent a major transformation. before the invasion the dinar had suffered from instability because of years of sanctions and economic mismanagement underneath Saddam Hussein’s regime…Iraqis used U.S. greenbacks…Following the autumn of Saddam’s government, the Coalition Provisional Authority added a new edition of the Iraqi dinar in 2003…The transition became easy with Iraqis replacing their old dinars for the new ones at a one-to-one ratio…even as the new dinar did stabilize initially, the united states’s…instability, corruption and conflict – have made it difficult for the forex to gain lengthy-time period power. Like submit conflict Germany Iraq’s foreign money reform turned into important, however Iraq’s restoration has been slower because of continual instability and financial dependence on oil. [Post 2 of 4 Stay tuned for the rest of the story.]
According to Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram :
there is a extensive distinction between Germany’s recovery which took five years [after WWII] and Iraq’s restoration which we are nevertheless waiting on two decades later. After, WWII Germany’s foreign money confronted a considerable disaster. The conflict had devastated the u . s . a .’s economic system, main to hyperinflation and the collapse of the Reichsmark…In 1948, three years after the battle, the international locations overseeing publish-struggle Germany delivered a new foreign money, the Deutsche Mark…This new currency helped cast off the black market and incentivize people to engage in valid monetary sports. The foreign money reform is often credited with laying the groundwork for Germany’s economic recuperation…throughout the 1950’s. this change turned West Germany into one of the leading economies in Europe, demonstrating the critical position foreign money reform performed in it’s submit-conflict rebuilding. [Post 1 of 4]
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :
[Report from boots on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: According to Sammy, the judge will hear the appeal of the three passed laws on Tuesday of next week.Many filed an appeal, arguing that it was unconstitutional. Thus, until that is resolved, the budget table is in limbo. We do think that after it is approved, they can be sent to parliament for the anticipated vote. FRANK: Parliament is making the most of every square inch of the clip they are standing on, and they will soon be forced to confess the truth to the people. They have no other option but to enact these laws.
According to Intel Guru MarkZ :
[via PDK] “OpEC is hit by Trump’s storm, which stokes anxieties in Baghdad.” From Trump’s Statements in Davos…and the US’s “Drill Baby Drill” forced oil prices to fall below $75. We will soon be able to purchase groceries at a lesser cost thanks to this.However, Iraq is still well within their RV’s range.
According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :
[via WiserNow] Since Tuesday, we had been hoping to receive notification.But according to the most recent intelligence, which came from the Treasury official, things will be going south for everyone on Saturday [the 25th].According to the information, we will be quite happy about the prices, therefore that is the current strategy. Since they are contracted on dinar, which is linked to the price of oil per barrel, which was in the low 80s, I believe that rates will increase, particularly on Dong. By the way, that is per dinar. The redemption center is the only place to get the contract rate.I believe we’re just about ready to leave.We ought to be thrilled.