Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (12-20-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

The IQD is being added to its basket contributors. those overseas currencies which can be coming in through the contracts, a number of them, if no longer maximum of them, might be playing the element within the flow of the center East basket. Why is it that this basket is the following bankruptcy in our take a look at? because the CBI auctions are ending on December the thirty first of this 12 months and there may be no restrictions on the Iraqi dinar on an worldwide level as it became earlier than …this is article VIII compliance which lets in them to stop the auctions…once the waft increases the international value of the Iraqi dinar it will begin to pair to those currencies on this basket and IMO it will speedy upward thrust in fee due to the demand that we’re seeing right now.

According to Guru Nader From The Mid East :

The aspect I noticed and made me very glad…when you see the Saudis coming with their money, now we can exchange their monies, the UAE and all of the center East countries, nearly. Turkey, Saudis, Kuwait, Qatar. Now we are able to alternate our dinars with their dinars, durham, riyal, with whatever like that. this is very large guys cuz the greenback…yuan chinese, the euro is already there. Now we have all continental of Europe…middle East…usa and now it’s missing a bit little bit of Africa and we’re executed. different ones like Canada does regardless of the u.s.a. do. Australia equal aspect. That made me very happy. That imply quickly we’re going to be in every bank in u.s.. it will be tradable. If it is tradable it’ll advantage a number of values and brief.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Sometime between now and the first of the year for a REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate), I sincerely hope my contacts in Iraq are correct. My redemption staff is slated to work this weekend and has received training on converting currencies, especially the ones we hold. This seems strange as Christmas approaches. Beyond simply wrapping up year-end tasks, I hope this signifies something.

According to Newshound Guru Kaperoni :

Newspaper article: “The Central Bank of Iraq decides to add the Saudi riyal and the Jordanian dinar”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

I believe the US Treasury has given them its okay. I believe that the World Bank has approved of Iraq. I believe that the Bank of International Settlements has granted Iraq its blessing. Additionally, I have the impression that the World Trade Organization is simply waiting and clenching their teeth since they are aware that the volume of money that will be exchanged there will be unimaginable.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: 49 additional businesses were shut down by the CBI. They were the ones who were laundering money, and that should be the last five percent that they have been discussing with us every day. Every day, the IMF praises Iraq, and even Sudani talks about how powerful and steady we are. In Iraq, it’s everywhere. All of this suggests that we are going to expand internationally. FRANK: The secret is that. The next step is that. You won’t need me anymore when we go abroad. With luck, you will soon be using a fresh exchange rate.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: The CBI is discussing expanding the use of local new currencies for money transfers.It’s the Chinese yuan, the Saudi riyal, the Turkish lira, and the Jordanian dinar, according to Mr. Sammy. FRANK: Because of the program pace, none of these nations have ever handled Iraq in the same manner as they do now. It indicates to me that we have a new rate, or else they wouldn’t do anything to assist Iraq.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

From the article: “It’s proven by the reality of price stability and control of inflation and the price traded outside those channels is an abnormal price.” As we’ve been searching for, they’re emphasizing that it’s an unusual unlawful market that is coming to a stop. Everyone in that 5% [black market] is expected to have serious difficulties or just stop earning amazing [illegal] money if the currency’s value is changed to be stronger than the dollar.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: The CBI is discussing expanding the use of local new currencies for money transfers.It’s the Chinese yuan, the Saudi riyal, the Turkish lira, and the Jordanian dinar, according to Mr. Sammy. FRANK: Because of the program pace, none of these nations have ever handled Iraq in the same manner as they do now. It indicates to me that we have a new rate, or else they wouldn’t do anything to assist Iraq.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via Wisernow] Before Christmas, they wanted us to have this.Let’s see what occurs, and let’s hope that’s the case.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

The latest action taken by the correspondent banks should first completely eliminate the parallel market and align the dollar with the “official” rate set by the CBI. First, this was required. The CBI then intends to implement the project to remove the zeros and provide the new in-country CBI official rate that we have been anticipating. I recently spoke with my CBI contact on Wednesday, and they informed me this. All we can do is wait and watch what occurs. I wish I had more good news to share with you. This is a really delicate moment, and things will shortly move quickly. There isn’t any greater news that comes to mind right now. [post 2 of 2]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Article: “Central Bank Governor: The Black Market Is Eliminated by Opening External Channels with Foreign Currencies” Opening channels in foreign and Arab currencies stabilizes the exchange rate and progressively eradicates the black market, Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq affirmed Thursday. We were informed of the parallel market problem, and my CBI contact informed me that before the project to remove the zeros could proceed, the parallel market rate needed to match the “official” CBI rate in order to enable the in-country devaluation of the dinar. They claimed that the parallel market should be eradicated via the new correspondent bank process.Before anything else happens, the RV will happen. [post 1 of 2….stay tuned]