MP reveals Basra’s debts owed by the central government

MP reveals Basra's debts owed by the central government

nowadays, Monday, Basra Governorate MP Ghassan Al-Eidani revealed the proportion of the governorate’s gathered money owed owed by the primary authorities.

Al-Eidani said in a declaration to, “The accrued money owed of Basra Governorate owed by means of the critical authorities handed 28 trillion dinars.”

He delivered that “specialists in Basra confirmed that there are accumulated monetary money owed owed by using the federal government that have to be paid to Basra Governorate,” noting that “Basra needs this cash to enhance its provider, fitness and educational state of affairs.”

He defined that “Basra Governorate represents the monetary lung of Iraq and contributes drastically to assembly the country’s economic budget. as it floats on a sea of ​​oil and has a sea outlet, it nevertheless suffers from many crises, most drastically cancer and environmental pollutants.”