MP reveals reasons for delay in voting on the Personal Status Law and sets date for its enactment

MP reveals reasons for delay in voting on the Personal Status Law and sets date for its enactment

Today, Tuesday, MP Rafiq Al-Salihi revealed the reasons for the delay in voting on the Personal Status Law amendment proposal and set a date for its legislation.

“An amendment to the proposed Personal Status Law is what caused the postponement of voting on it during the previous period,” Al-Salihi stated in an interview with

“It will be voted on with all its details and by a majority,” he continued, “There are no differences within the Shiite or Sunni component regarding the proposed law to amend personal status.”

“The vote on the proposed law to amend personal status will take place today during the session scheduled for voting,” he emphasized, noting that “there are other draft laws related to this law, including the draft law to return real estate and the draft law to retire the Popular Mobilization Forces, which will also be voted on during today’s session.”