Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 20 Dec. 2024
Compiled Fri. 20 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Members of Congress tried to pass another out of control debt and spending stopgap funding bill that used an already fiat US Dollar – but Elon Musk alone (allegedly) killed the 1,500 page bill where they demanded huge raises and provisions so Congress couldn’t be investigated. KiLL BILL: Elon Musk Singlehandedly Defeats 1,547 Spending Bill? | WLT Report
Then Trump took 24 hours to reduce the 1,500 page bill to just over 100 pages, but it still didn’t pass Congress and because it didn’t, the Government will shut down when their funding expires as the clock strikes 12:01 am on Sat. 21 Dec. 2024.
So, now we have the US Inc. government shutting down because Congress didn’t pass a budget for this past year. And, Congress wouldn’t pass a budget because they were(allegedly) afraid of a US citizenship who were mad at a 1,500 page stop gap funding extension bill that contained certain provisions.
Those provisions not only protected Congress people from being held accountable for their actions, but those same Congress people were giving themselves huge raises at a time when the fiat dollar wasn’t being accepted for foreign trade, Americans couldn’t afford gas, put food on the table and were losing their jobs and homes.
All because Congress had functioned on a fiat US Dollar since 2008 and hadn’t functioned on a budget since US Inc. was formed way back in 1918. I mean, you gotta be responsible for yourself at some point, don’t you Congress?
What’s interesting was the timing to close the broke US Inc. government. As of tomorrow the privately owned US Inc. government would (allegedly) have no money to function on at the same time the new US Restored Republic Treasury was (allegedly) entering their new gold/asset-backed US Treasury Notes into the Global Financial System and therefore burying the US Inc.’s worthless fiat US Dollar.
In other words, why pass a budget on a fiat dollar that would(allegedly) no longer exist?
Possible Timing:
As of Sat. 14 Dec. 2024 Debt Forgiveness & Wealth Redistribution (allegedly) Began: millions worldwide reported canceled mortgages, student loans, and credit card debts. Official encrypted messages confirm this is just the beginning.
Sun. 15 Dec. 2024: The (allegedly) beginning of the new Restored Republic Fiscal Year.
Mon. 16 Dec. 2024: Banks began(allegedly) changing over to the new financial system as the Global Currency Reset rolled out.
Tues. 17 Dec. 2024: XRP, RLUSD, Iraqi Dinar went public. Redemption Centers became fully operational(allegedly). Banking Systems were beginning to(allegedly) process the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note (USTN).
Wed. 18 Dec. 2024: Beginning of Global Financial Collapse. …G***o TV on Telegram Tues. 3 Dec. 2024
Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Announcement of the Global Restoration Plan. Every citizen will(allegedly) receive information about the new economic and legal structures. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
Mon. 30 Dec. 2024: Final stages of the transition to the new financial system (allegedly) completed. People will begin to access their revalued currencies and debt relief programs(allegedly). …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
By Tues. 31 Dec. 2024, Redemption Centers will be (allegedly) open to the general public.
Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Basil 4 compliance deadline January 2025 – all banks have to (allegedly) prove the money they have in their vault is backed by gold. A new era of Freedom and Prosperity officially begins. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024
Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: The R&R payments and Social Security increases will(allegedly) begin.
Fri. 3 Jan. 2025: Global Unity announced as former Alliances restructure. Leaders will present plans for long term peace and cooperation across nations. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: (allegedly) Release of advanced technologies previously suppressed. Free energy devices, healing technologies and environmental restoration tools will be (allegedly) made available to the public. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially be activated Worldwide(allegedly). This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024
End of March 2025: The US Fiat Dollar will be (allegedly) phased out, no longer worth anything.
Read full post here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
PompeyPeter Constitutionally Iraq has to open its budget before the start of next year. In other words, this year they got to open its budget. That is part of the constitutional law of Iraq. Failure to do so is big, big trouble. They will be coming after those responsible…Iraq has changed in the sense that there’s a will to get this done. That is a huge difference…The winds have changed in Iraq have come about and they want to get this done. Sudani is a man of his word. He told the people this would be done this year.
Fnu Lnu You WILL NOT have to go to Egypt, Syria, or Turkey to do your exchange. A large number of banks will be more than happy to help you with your exchange. They will be charging a nominal fee of 1% to 2%. I have it on reputable information that Wells Fargo and JPM Chase will spearhead this event. You can also go to a Currency Exchange… You may also use an off-premises exchange location commonly referred to as a Redemption Center. These are also banks who will have specialized offices with security guards and De La rue machines to validate and verify your currency and make the appropriate deposit in your own bank account or you may open an account at their bank. If you take this advice, you will exchange your Dinar effortlessly…
“2025 Could Be The Last Year For GOLD Under $3000” – Alan Hibbard
Mike Maloney: 12-20-2024
Gold and silver have taken center stage in 2024, with prices skyrocketing and demand hitting unprecedented levels. In this insightful discussion, Alan Hibbard of and Kurt Nelson of SummerHaven Investment Management share why 2025 might be a pivotal year for precious metals.