Clare: Parliamentary Committee to Nina: A government team is preparing a new draft of the Oil and Gas Bill
The Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee revealed the fate of the oil and gas bill that has been stalled since successive parliamentary sessions.
The Vice Chairman of the Committee, Nahro Mahmoud Qader, stated in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ): “The oil and gas bill has not reached the corridors of the House of Representatives yet, and has not been presented for discussion within the Council of Ministers yet.”
He added: “No new draft of the bill has reached the House of Representatives at the present time,” indicating that “Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has assigned a” tripartite ministerial team “to prepare a new final draft that will be presented first within the Council of Ministers for approval, and then sent to the House of Representatives later,” ruling out at the same time that this law will be legislated during the current legislative session of the House of Representatives. LINK
Clare: Al-Sudani confirms the government’s support for the Iraqi Media Network and enhancing professionalism in the media
Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani affirmed, today, Sunday, during his reception of the head of the Iraqi Media Network, Karim Hammadi, the government’s support for the network’s work and enhancing professionalism in the Iraqi media environment.
The Prime Minister’s media office stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by NRT Arabic, that “Al-Sudani received Hammadi and listened to a briefing on the reality of the network’s work, the challenges facing national media work, and the role of the network’s channels and windows in providing an objective and fair media service to the Iraqi citizen, reflecting the true picture of the performance of government agencies in various fields.”
The statement added that the Prime Minister stressed “the government’s support for the Iraqi Media Network and its tasks in promoting professionalism within the democratic and constitutional framework, and supporting all media efforts to provide information and preserve Iraqi moral and social values and constants.”
The statement indicated that Al-Sudani stressed “providing support to the Iraqi Media Network to host the fourth session of the Arab Media Conference, scheduled to be held in the capital, Baghdad, next April, under the auspices of the Arab States Broadcasting Union, affiliated with the League of Arab States.” LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Militia Man People are getting spanked. They’re getting in trouble. They’re shutting things down. Bank managers are getting banned from working. If you’ve been found to be corrupt they’re going after you…If you don’t play by the rules you’re going to have some problems. The Untied States Treasury has a whole floor of the central bank…International compliance is important. If you’re money laundering…counterfeiting… supporting terrorist, they got your number.
Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
[Bank friend] told me don’t worry. This may look like a disaster with the United States Treasury here but it’s a good thing…They are here to help us to the next and final phase of the currency reforms. Once the issues are fixed then we should see what we all have been waiting for. It’s good. Trust me. FRANK: When your bank friend tells you to trust him, trust him…IMO he’s absolutely 100% correct.
IMPORTANT Significant Updates Development Road Project
Edu Matrix: 8-11-2024
IMPORTANT Significant Updates Development Road Project #iqd #vnd Rate Iraq making special rules to accommodate the DRP. Offices opening in Turkey and Iraq to accommodate the building of the Developing Road Project.
Greg Mannarino: 8-11-2024