News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 7-30-2024


Clare:  urgent …Integrity Commission announces receiving one of the most prominent defendants in the “theft of the century”


The Integrity Commission announced that it had received one of the most prominent defendants in the theft of tax deposits known as the “Theft of the Century” case.

The Integrity Commission praised the cooperation of the Federal and Regional Ministers of Interior.

According to Iraqi officials, the scandal revolves around illegal cash withdrawals from the country’s General Tax Authority in 2021 and 2022 totaling about $2.5 billion, a huge sum even in a country that consistently ranks among the world’s most corrupt.

An Iraqi businessman named Nour Zuhair, who has become one of the most prominent suspects in the case, has recovered about 380 billion dinars ($292 million) in stolen funds since his release on bail in November 2022, the head of the National Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, told Reuters earlier. Zuhair has publicly asserted his innocence of all charges against him.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man :  The US Treasury will not wait.  They can act at a moment’s notice.  That is coming from the higher-ups.

Jeff  Article: “Four counties meet in Baghdad to support the development road project” …You have to look at their timing.  They finished the 5-year development plan around the end of July walking into the beginning of August.  Why? Timing.  They’re about to revalue.  Their actions strongly suggest to me personally IMO I really feel they’re going to be revaluing in August. 

Frank26  The bad guys in Iraq, whoever they may be, they just don’t want the monetary reform.  They don’t want it to happen.  You know that.  That’s the reason why we don’t have the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar.  Because of the corruption that is occurring inside of the the government of Iraq.  But  Sudani is in good control…He sure is.


Tishwash:  Moeen Al-Kadhimi: Corruption dates back to Saddam’s time.. Is the budget error an employee oversight?

Ask about the Sudanese objection

Badr Organization leader Moeen Al-Kadhimi, a member of parliament’s finance committee, said that the prime minister’s objection to the existence of different versions of the budget and the addition of large sums is now being justified as an “error and oversight” made by employees, but shouldn’t we ask the “accomplices” about the truth of what happened? Expressing his belief that corruption dates back to the era of Saddam Hussein and has now evolved and become more complex.

Moeen Al-Kadhimi, with the media figure Khitam Al-Gharawi:

Going too far with public money has become a culture and has reached junior employees, and this needs to be reconsidered. This has been going on since the previous regime, and now officers are not given leave or transferred soldiers unless there is something in return for that, even though managers and officials have cars, protection and good salaries, so why do you extend your hand to ill-gotten money, and it is sometimes considered cleverness? This culture needs real treatment.

(An example of corruption) is the change that occurred in the budget tables. Some ministries, such as the Ministry of Commerce, had large amounts added to the food ration item. Who will benefit from this and who colluded with them? The explanations and justifications that are being put forward are that this was an employee mistake!

There are protocols signed between Iraq and countries such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Lebanon and Jordan because these countries did not respond to demands to return the money even if they knew it was smuggled because they benefit from it, and some of these countries grant citizenship to the person and consider him a citizen of theirs. An example of this is the case of Ayham al-Samarrai, the former Minister of Electricity, who was imprisoned in the Salihiya Police Station, and an American force came and got him out and escaped, and now he lives in America.

Some of the protocols signed with countries give enough space to recover the money, but other countries do not accept this, such as Switzerland, which prefers that the money remain in its banks, and is prepared to grant citizenship to the Iraqi in order to provide him with protection and keep the money, especially for executive officials.

The government has a duty to follow up on general managers, and unfortunately, until now, there are some managers who consider the position a spoil that they want to benefit from. Sometimes this is clear to see. Yesterday, I had a call regarding the issue of security clearances, and I came across an official in a company, and we clearly noticed that he was corrupt, because all matters pass through him, he approves them and covers them up, and action was taken.

The Integrity Commission, through our conversations with them, has two problems. The first is internal, which is the lack of cooperation from some ministries and departments, which are negligent in research and auditing and do not provide priorities. The second is the lack of cooperation from the countries to which the corrupt flee. link

“US Taxpayers Owe $3/4 Million Each, It’s the Biggest Banana Republic of All” –

Mike Maloney:  7-30-2024

Today, Mike Maloney dives deep into the shocking reality of US debt, revealing that each taxpayer owes around $750,000.

He celebrates Argentina’s new libertarian president, Javier Milei, for his bold economic reforms that have rapidly improved the nation’s financial health.

Mike contrasts this with the biased and manipulative nature of today’s US media. Discover in today’s video why he believes fiscal responsibility and adherence to economic laws are crucial for a nation’s prosperity.