News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 7-31-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 31 July 2024

Compiled Wed. 31 July 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Tues. 30 July 2024 the US National Debt (to the Deep State Cabal) hit over $35 Trillion. Although Congress was legally liable to pass and conform to a budget each year, they have never done so to my knowledge during my 80 year lifetime.

The British Crown then sent the US Taxpayer monies on to the Vatican Bank, where the Black, Grey and White Popes then used it again for their own purposes, and then sent our monies on to their Central Banks across the World – where Bankers made even more money off of US Taxpayers.

About a month later the US Taxpayer monies were returned to a Cabal Deep State owned bank in New York, where they charged us Taxpayers interest in order to use our own monies to pay their private corporation US Inc. employees.

That’s where the National Debt came from: Over $35 Trillion in debt of Taxpayer Monies caused by the Cabal, was now owed to the Cabal.

Members of the US Congress were well aware of this corrupt financial system that has been in place since 1913, yet have been blackmailed and paid big monies to not do anything about it – which they don’t, never have and seem to have had no incentive to change the system in the future….

 Soon we will be going back to 1955 prices: The value of $8,000 in 1955 was approximately equivalent to $85,896.23 in today’s money, adjusted for inflation.


Tues. 30 July 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could get notified to set redemption appointments on Wed. 31 July and start appointments on Thurs. 1 Aug, or be notified on Thurs. 1 Aug and start appointments that same day.

On Tues. 30 July Bankers and Paymasters tied into Wells Fargo, Bank of America and HSBC were working to get information, consolidate procedures and finish.

Paymasters have been paying out Bond Holders.

A US Treasury Email came out tonight to Paymasters that told them to key in their codes and ID to fund the rest of their Bond Holders, but the computer wouldn’t let them complete the transaction. They were told to wait until morning to finish the job.

We have been told that the Restitution and Reclamation Allowances will be paid out the first week in August – which is, of course, this week.

Paymasters have said that everything is completed and Iraq is ready.

When Tier4b is paid we will be hydrating the banks.


Tues. 30 July 2024 Wolverine

Tues. 30 July 2024 Wolverine: “Heard from the Asian country that Wednesday is D day – liquid for them – spendable money to their members. It will be very emotional for all of you guys. I want you to get ready as Tier4B is coming, I can assure you of that.  Keep an eye on your emails as well.  This will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind and all of you are part of it – Always thank the person who invited you, to this incredible blessing, to be called by God to change the world. I, for one, will help the people in Venezuela to help their suffering. God bless you.” …Wolverine


Tues. 30 July 2024 Mr. Pool on Telegram:

As I see it, we are waiting for some public announcements to come forth including:

1.  Public announcement of the USN on the gold and asset standard

2.  Public announcement of the new USN notes money supply

3.  Public announcement of USN bills paid.
     a. Iraq has a trust problem with the US.
     b.  They need to see items 1-2 and three above publicly announced So they can go forward.

4.  Public announcement of the new Iraq international Dinar rate

5.  Public announcement of the new Iraq international data rate published in The Gazette

6.  Public announcement of Nesara

7.  Public announcement of Gesara

8.  Public announcement of Biden gone

10.  Private announcement of RV notifications including 800 numbers and Starlink a.  Private announcement of tier 3 liquidity and spendable. b.  Private announcement for liquidity of all tiers

11.  Public announcement of the following
     a.  Social Security increase and change of system
     b.  Reclamation monies
     c.  Debt forgiveness jubilee
     d.  Other funds as applicable

We should begin to see these flowing out in the soon coming immediate future

There are other events that are important such as the stock market crash, EBS, and the new financial system. I have chosen not to include them in the list above, but those things are coming and we should pay attention to real events that are about to and very soon begin to unfold.

Hold the line and stay steady. Lock your faith into the Word of God. What is about to happen is biblical and we should understand that.

See you on the other side. The other side is the Promised Land. Are you truly ready?

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Jeff  The World Trade meeting…July 18th, that’s their 3rd World Trade accession meeting.  They waited 16 years for that meeting.  16 years.  Reason why is because there’s conditions and requirement that have to be met for that meeting.  A tradable convertible currency…they cannot be under US/UN sanctions.  That’s why they’ve waited 16 years for that meeting...Everybody’s who’s on the board of directors and members board will only have until August 15th, this was in print, to get their comments submitted for this World Trade accession

Militia Man  Article: “Paralyzed for 19 years.. Parliamentary optimism about passing the most important laws in Iraq”  Quote: “The oil and gas law is the most important of the suspended laws…this issue will be resolved in the coming days.”  There is absolutely no coincidence that this law is on the table now...We never know what the coming days will mean. However, with…where Iraq is in her reforms and the loss of revenues from the Kurdistan Region, the pressure has been mounting for results needing to take place and quickly. This is a very good sign of things to come and likely first or at the same time…


One Million IQD at 80 Cents Equals How Much in Profits and Taxes?

Edu Matrix:  7-30-2024

One Million IQD at 80 Cents Equals How Much in Profits and Taxes? For IQD Investors and US Taxpayers, Here’s the Scoop and What You Will Need to Do