The Civil Service Council is working on determining its need for job grades in the 2025 budget…and giving priority to these categories

The Civil Service Council is working on determining its need for job grades in the 2025 budget...and giving priority to these categories

The Public Service Council has announced its intention to incorporate intermediate working specialties in the appointment process for new production projects and is presently assessing its requirement for job grades within the budget for the upcoming year (2025).

“Al-Sabah” was informed by the council’s official spokesman, Saad Al-Lami, that “the council, within the framework of its employment efforts for all segments and outputs in the country, and after it succeeded in employing (74) thousand of those covered by Laws (67) and (59), who are the first and holders of higher degrees, is now seeking to include other categories, which are human resources who do not have high academic qualifications.” This was in response to the council’s statement

He mentioned that “the council is currently conducting a study of its actual need for job grades in order to include allocations for them in the budget for the next year (2025) in coordination with the Finance Committee in Parliament, which is considered a support for the council in performing its duties,” and that “the council is currently conducting a study of its actual need for job grades.”

He pointed out that, given that the state is about to revive new industrial, agricultural, and production projects, the administrative apparatus needs multiple efforts from citizens of the middle class who work in all fields.

Al-Lami focused on that “the Chamber has significant divisions that direct numerous studies of the truth of the managerial device in the state, and considering them, will introduce different recommendations to assimilate all results regardless, trailed by introducing these proposition to the regulative and leader specialists.”