The dominance of the “Federal” .. Iraq moves to achieve financial sovereignty

The dominance of the "Federal" .. Iraq moves to achieve financial sovereignty

The US of America actually rules the Iraqi economy through financial arrangements that Washington sets out as indicated by what basically serves its inclinations, as the American organization looks to hinder the way of gatherings attempting to free the nation of their command over Iraqi oil deals cash.

The United States of America continues to exert control over Iraq in a number of crucial areas, such as depositing the proceeds from the sale of Iraqi oil in the United States Federal Bank. This is done in clear blackmail by passing a number of documents, the most prominent of which is the dollar bill, exerting a lot of pressure on the government.

Iraq looks to dispose of this predominance by keeping the cash in the Government Bank and sending it straightforwardly to the National Bank.

Ali Hussein, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, speaks about this file and urges the government to look for alternatives and take action to free the country from the dominance of the dollar and the ongoing sanctions imposed by the United States. He also emphasizes that Iraq must move toward lifting the restrictions imposed by the American Federal Bank.

“It will be a bold step, but it will succeed if the atmosphere is prepared and contracts are made with alternative international banks,” Hussein stated in an interview with, noting that “it is necessary to include companies from international countries that do not deal in the US dollar.”

He kept, “Entering the Shanghai framework and other global associations will be the principal phase of freedom from the dollar,” adding that “the development to end the dollar’s strength over the world, drove by significant nations, has been generally effective.”

He went on to say, “The government is required to seek alternatives and take a step to liberate the country from the dominance of the dollar and American sanctions,” and that “Contracting with companies from Eastern countries and bringing them to work inside Iraq will avoid the economic blockade.”

Mohammed Al-Shabaki, a former Finance Committee member, also said that Washington was in control of oil revenues held by the US Federal Reserve.

In a statement to, Al-Shabaki noted that “this policy that America imposed on Iraq is the cause of the calamity in its economic situation” and that “there are issues imposed on Iraq and dominance over the Iraqi economy by the United States.”

He continued by stating that “Iraq does not have sovereignty over its money from oil exports that is in the US Federal Reserve,” urging the government to “free itself from this pressure and have a say in restructuring the relationship with the Americans.”

He made sense of that “Iraq is requesting the American side for a ton from cash, which addresses the returns of the sums in the Government Bank.”

It is abundantly clear that the United States of America continues to exert pressure on Iraq through the Federal Bank in order to advance its interests, impede the financial movement that results in the rise of the dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar, or forcefully mortgage the nation’s capabilities unless the country’s funds are released from the Federal prison.