“Coffee With MarkZ” Thursday Morning Chat 1-23-2025


Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: So much news coming quickly…..I believe we are very close,

Member: Sure hope we will be blessed with the RV before the end of January

MZ: We don’t know when it’s going to happen but we are seeing many signs that it is very close.

MZ: I shared last night that I was told by political sources that it is a top priority for our new US administration to see currency and rate changes.

MZ: Some historic bond contacts are still convinced they will see things happen today…and some that think nothing happen until the first week of February for them.

MZ: I did hear something interesting from an aggregate of bond sources and a group…not about timing but about logistics. And similar things from a Prosperity Package group. (Omega Group) That the tax exemption for the settlements will be done in fiat.

MZ: originally we were told that we would see the Fines and Penalties portion paid in fiat. Then we would see the RV (Revaluation of currencies) Then reset….all currencies worldwide go to parity …..and Then pay out the 4A and 4B portions out including CMKX, PP’s  ect….the entire process was only supposed to take about 10 days.

Member: I wonder where the gold backed currency change fits into that….i would guess after F&P’s?

Member: A interesting podcaster with Texas rep to eliminate property taxes and instituting a Uniform State Sales Tax. Property taxes are contributing to bankruptcy

MZ: .Could we be back on that original plan? It’s possible.  Many are saying they expect to see their initial portion in fiat. They were also told there would be no taxes….I heard this from several different groups. No taxes on our exchange…..We are starting to hear more and more logistics on this thing. There is progress and movement happening. We are trying to put the pieces together but do not have all the answers yet.

Member: I remember Mr. C saying it’s written in the Golden Dragon’s treaty, that there would be NO TAX on Rv!!!

Member: I heard from Indian groups that its just a few more days. I heard that this morning from the actual group

Member: yes Native American nations ….mine the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation has sent out letters to all members

MZ: I am hearing a lot of that….Im getting dates from bonds, groups, PP”s and Indian nations…..just trying not to ride the roller coaster. They are all saying anywhere from today to the first week in Feb. I believe we have a very busy week or two in front of us.  Hopefully we get paid early in this process.

Member: MarkZ the meeting today w ripple and SEC is UGE

MZ: Vietnam news : “The dollar drops against the dong”  the dong is gaining strength over the US dollar. Vietnam is taking the DOGE approach and want to cut 20% of the government and become more democratic and have an open market. They need to increase the value of the dong. I feel good seeing this.

Member: President Trump is about to speak remotely to the World Economic Forum in Davos……that sounds exciting…

Member:Trump Addressing The World Economic Forum in 12 minutes on Fox Live News

Member: I wonder – was it real or fake in regards to the supreme court and the fiat dollar being null and void?

Member: Does Trump need to go to Reno for the RV to happen? Heard he’s planning a stop by this weekend.

MZ: “International report confirms the strength and sobriety of the Iraqi regime in combatting money laundering and terrorist financing”  There is an important direction to the news in Iraq. They are focusing and telling us Iraq is safe and stable. They need to be seen as safe and stable to the world to justify the change in rate.  There are many articles stating this.

Member: will the banks in Iraq be open even during the holiday this coming Sunday? Could be an interesting tell on the timing?.

MZ: It is my understanding they are going to be closed but I have not seen an article or statement from the banks. So for now consider it a rumor.

Member: Mark- do you believe Iraq is being controlled by Iran or CIA paid groups?

MZ: Some believe that especially how they are handling the removal of militias. It’s a delicate situation because of the Shiites outside influences.

Member: other sites saying Sudani is a bad guy that is holding up the RV…I think someone is delaying it….but I don’t think it’s Sudani.

​​Member: How do I get on a list to be get an appointment to exchange my dinar etc. when the RV happens?

Member: Register at dinar sites to see the announcement and get an email with the 800 numbers….All dinar intel providers will post the info as well. You will not miss it .

Member: What is your gut feeling Mark?

MZ: With the number of conversations with Prosperity packages people, groups, CMKX, and bond folks….what makes the most sense is anywhere from Saturday to anytime the next few weeks. I believe sometime in the next few weeks we will cross the Rubicon…They will have money and you and I will be making appointments. Just my opinion of course

Member: This week there are 7 planets in alignment

Member: Hopefully the RV will line up the those planets

Member: I’m thankful for the movements forward whether an inch afoot or a mile I’m thankful that it is moving and being done correctly so the rats can’t have control and our generations are safe and secure.

Member: Thank you Mark! Thank you Mods! Have a great day Patriots!

MZ: Dr. Scott will be on the stream tonight.

Stacie Z joins the stream. Please listen to the replay for her information


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Mod:  MarkZ “Back To Basics” Pre-Recorded Call” for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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