Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (09-30-2024)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

Query: “What do you think about the new Treasury Secretary going to Iraq?” Isn’t it fantastic that his first assignment was to travel to Iraq?They’re celebrating one to one, I believe. A re-denomination is what this is. In order to achieve a 1 to 1 exchange rate, they will remove the three zeros from both the exchange rate and their actual money. They will also re-denomination the currency to remove the zeros.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

The fact that Iraq is being given a higher priority on Trump’s agenda is already evident. He won’t put off dealing with Iraq for long. As a businessman, Trump must recognize that Iraq is ripe today. There are countless prospects in Iraq, but the time is right.

According to Newshound Guru Samson :

Article: “Al-Sudani will soon announce a program that will strengthen our connection with America. His advisor’s expectations.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

“The gold reserve is unquestionably an important part of Iraq’s foreign exchange reserves, as it contributes to enhancing financial stability and confidence in the national currency,” Saleh told {Euphrates News}. The declared data indicates that gold reserves have increased to almost 152 tons. It is estimated to be worth $14 billion in the nation’s foreign investment portfolio, or roughly 13% of the portfolio’s overall diversity.

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from boots on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: According to Mr. Sammy, the budget news reports that the legislature voted on the budget’s intrusion and that the figures they were provided were in the billions rather than the trillions as is customary. FRANK: The exchange rate would have changed if they had been in the billions. Because 1310 generates trillions of numbers. You, I, and the CBI are all aware of that.Slowly but surely, you will learn about monetary reform. You may refer to it as an insinuation.There’s a lit fuse. An explosion of purchasing power is about to occur when you light a fuse.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] “Iraq’s foreign reserves are reassuring compared to previous years,” according to two economists. Iraq has substantial cash reserves that exceed the whole amount of its issued currency. The dinar is backed by more assets and money than they now have in circulation. Thus, Iraq’s currency has more than 100% support.Given that the majority of nations only have 20% or less to support their currencies, this is crucial.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] According to what we’re hearing in Iraq, an agreement has been struck with Sudani and crew, and they anticipate fireworks on Friday or the conclusion of the voting.That’s what a contact in Iraq informed me this morning. We’ll have to wait and see.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Militia Man :

We are witnessing the rebirth of Iraq in the digital era. We are currently experiencing a new economic rebirth. Clearly visible are the forces of progress that the entire globe is witnessing. Iraq is headed in a direction that cannot be stopped. It is truly amazing to witness.

According to Newshound Guru tishwash :

Newspaper article: “Economist: The country’s financial situation is among the most prosperous years” “…the nation has substantial cash reserves, which exceed 100 percent of the volume of the issued currency,” the statement reads.; “…it represents a firewall in the face of crises that may occur, even if they are caused by a decrease in the price of oil.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Samson :

The Article: “Senior US Treasury Official Travels to Iraq to Counter Illicit Finance”

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from boots on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: According to the news, the US Treasury Secretary recently arrived in Iraq and is meeting with Sudani and the CBI.Alaq is seen on television discussing the impending start of measures to provide economic stability. FRANK: A large number of U.S. officials are traveling to Iraq. It’s huge news that the new Secretary of Treasury is joining the CBI and meeting with Alaq and Sudani.This is significant. We have been anticipating the arrival of this Secretary of Treasury. After the meeting, I am eager to see the outcomes.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Bruce :

[via WiserNow] Okay, so let’s examine this and see how it might develop over the next few days. If everything goes as planned, we might be looking at something in the next few days before the end of the month, but Thursday [is] in play, which might just push us out to Friday or Saturday.I’m hoping for a fantastic week, the remainder of the week, and maybe the weekend. I’m looking forward to it and excited about it, so let’s prepare to have all we want come to pass.

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

 [via PDK]  my bank contacts were told to be prepared to work for the next few weekends…

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

The article: “HANTOUSH: ELECTRONIC PAYMENT REDUCES THE COST OF PAPER CURRENCY AND SUPPORTS ECONOMIC TRANSPARENCY” The Finance Committee stated in early January that they wanted to promote the electronic payment method, and I know from my CBI source that this was necessary in order to carry out the Project to Delete the Zeros. Well, they tell us that this is finished and successful now. What comes next?