News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 12-7-2024


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 7 Dec. 2024

Compiled Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

At any moment Tiers 3 and 4a/b (including the Internet Group) were expected to receive notifications to schedule redemption appointments. Bondholders in Tiers 1 and 2 have already (allegedly) received their funds, but are under NDAs. …Gitmo TV on Telegram Tues. 3 Dec. 2024

On Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 Iraq has (allegedly) passed their HCL Law and it (allegedly) goes into the Gazette in time for the weekend. This means RV! The US Debt Clock gave us a date of Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 just after 9PM (central time). Right after 9:30 PM it gave another message “Revalue Your Thinking.”

Thurs. 5 Dec. 2024 Gingers Liberty Lounge on Telegram: A Report from Jim Willie, stated that an Iraqi citizen he knows has redeemed his currency at the new international rate. Family, this is expected that Iraqi national citizens would have time initially to exchange before the rest of the world’s IQD holders will exchange. This also happened in Kuwait all those years ago with Kuwaiti Dinar RI/RV. Fabulous!

Thurs. 5 Dec. 2024 Bruce: Sources were saying that Tier4b will start this weekend. On Wed. 4 Dec. the screens received new rates for 19 currencies that will move up in value and others that will go down in value. We have been told that the president had to be out of the country in order for this to happen.

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 TNT Intel Summary: Bank meetings today to discuss final aspects of RV. Three Letter Agencies say “IT’S DONE.” US and Canada (allegedly) started paying VIPs on Wednesday, Thursday, and today. The Iraqi dinar is (allegedly) being paid at $3.49 right now. 800 numbers will be (allegedly) given out tomorrow Sat. 7 Dec. morning at 8:00 am. There will (allegedly) be no 800 numbers in Canada.

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024: PROJECT ODIN: Starlink, Disclosing the Quantum Revolution, NESARA GESARA, and the Biblical Fall of Global Control with Rods of God – – American Media Group

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024: News Alert! The RV and Military Operations: Behind the Scenes – The Signing of a Historic Treaty by 209 Countries Aims to Redefine Global Currencies! Trust the Plan! – – American Media Group

Global Financial Crisis:

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024: Breaking: Another Bank Outage Has Just Left Millions Of Americans Without Money! Epic Economist Video – – American Media Group

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 Another Bank Outage Has Just Left Millions Of Americans Without Money! The catastrophic collapse of Synapse Bank has left millions of Americans penniless! With regulators shrugging off responsibility, over $300 million in deposits have vanished, exposing the dark side of fintech. Trust in the U.S. banking system is crumbling—can it survive? Read the full exposé now!

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Just because you see all the evidence that the monetary reform is already here it doesn’t mean that it has to be given to them right now…If you have 95% of the skeleton, that’s a lot of information.  You can tell if it’s a man or a woman…how high they’re going to be.  You can tell a lot.  That’s why you can tell a lot about the monetary reform right now because it’s 95% completed…What’s the 5%That’s what they’re doing right now.

Bruce   [via WiserNow]  There’s a flash drive that was sent out for five institutions, three banks and two redemption centers in one case, and those were installed on laptops, and they’re using laptops in the redemption centers and the’s a release activation mechanism… like a release activation code key…they are designed to receive a signal in some form of protocol, let’s call it – timeline activated – through the Starlink satellite system…So it would be wirelessly activated through Starlink to activate with the codes that are installed to begin what it is we’re waiting for…two resources, last night, two more today are saying…that we will start this weekend.

The Next Black Swan? Expert Warns of an Economic Crisis that Could Strike Without Warning

Daniela Cambone: 12-6-2024

I think we are at peak dollar… But it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight; it will take decades to unfold,” says Clive Thompson, retired managing director of Union Bancaire Privée in Switzerland.

In an interview with Daniela Cambone, Thompson delves into the dangers of the insurmountable debt burden facing the U.S. economy. “The real debt will be more than double what it is today. And the interest being paid on that debt is probably going to be four or five times what it is today,” he warns, painting a sobering picture of the future.

Thompson also sheds light on the growing crises in Europe, highlighting the fragile state of the eurozone. “If the euro collapses, every country will start pulling in its own direction. It will be chaos.”

Watch the interview now to gain insights into Clive Thompson’s perspective and learn how to navigate these turbulent times.


00:00 Insurmountable U.S. debt

12:33 Stock market crashes in history

 14:30 U.S. dollar

16:40 European policial chaos

20:39 Gold

26:26 Bitcoin

28:10 Gold performance

29:15 Banking system