Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, Investment, News, Opinions, and Intel (01-22-2025)


These are Iraqi Dinar Guru Updates, News, Opinions, and Intel Dinar Opinion

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick :

Dedollarization placed the CBI in accordance with Article VIII and granted them complete control over their currency exchange rate. No limitations. As a result, external intervention in their monetary reform is currently nonexistent. Nothing can halt or postpone the impending change in exchange rates. They now have complete control over their exchange rate and currency.

According to Newshound Guru Clare :

The article: “Al-Sudani in a telegram to Trump: We are committed to strategic relations under the umbrella of respect for sovereignty and non-interference” Translation: “Iraq aspires to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and partnership with the United States, within the framework of the strategic agreement and the common interests of the two countries, stressing the importance of working to support the foundations of stability, security and development regionally and internationally.”

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

The article: “Al-Sudani in a telegram to Trump: We are committed to strategic relations under the umbrella of respect for sovereignty and non-interference” Translation: “Iraq aspires to strengthen the bonds of cooperation and partnership with the United States, within the framework of the strategic agreement and the common interests of the two countries, stressing the importance of working to support the foundations of stability, security and development regionally and internationally.”

According to Newshound Guru Militia Man :

The article states: “Great Progress has been made by Iraq in the filing of the joining of the World Trade Organization after resuming negotiations that were suspended for more than 16 years stressing this step represents a part of Iraq’s vision to enhance Iraq’s role in the global trading system.” At 1310, they didn’t do it. Is that something they will ever do? Not in my opinion.What prevented them from doing it years ago? How would they pay for it if they decide to maintain things the same and make no changes? In my opinion, it would be much less expensive for Iraq to implement a genuine, functional exchange rate in order to comply with IMF Article IV and Article VIII.It’s rather exciting, in my opinion.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Iceman update] Iceman served three hitches [in Iraq].  He had to come home.  His interpreter is still there…She calls once in a blue moon.  Her father’s brother is in charge of one of the four major banks in Iraq.  It was over two years ago that she called the Iceman and said, Iceman you were right, we are going to be given new currency.  We are going to be given purchasing power. ICEMAN:  Why do you say this?  INTERPRETER: My uncle just took me and my dad in the back and we saw what they’re doing.  It looks like the old currency my dad said from the old days…ICEMAN: (from today) They have released some small notes, printed vision impaired notes…1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100’s

According to Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Remark: [Guru] According to Militia Man, the oil reserves in the ID make it 40% more valuable than the Kuwaiti dinar. According to my calculations, it will cost more than $4.50. [See Militia Man’s post from January 21–25] MarkZ: I wholeheartedly concur with Militia Man. I’m not sure whether he considered the two billion barrels of oil that were recently found this week.However, it looks excellent.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

 [via PDK]  We did get one update from a bond conference call last night that yes…. They were told in that call that President Trump was the magic and things are now moving forward. …That now makes two check-ins saying now that Trump is in office – the decision was made and they are now moving forward…They were told they are putting money in accounts to be funded on Thursday…  Question:  Do we still have to wait for 30% of the bonds to go before we get to go?  MarkZ:  I don’t think we have to wait for 30% to go. I think now – when they pull the trigger it will all go at one time…at this point…

According to Newshound Guru Jeff :

The oil and gas law is likely to be the most important factor in resolving the [Kurdistan and Bagdad dispute]. This explains why they seem to be always at odds with one another.The oil and gas law has to be finished. That’s the solution to all of these problems.As it waits for the rate to change in order to finish, the oil and gas legislation is a never-ending topic.

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound Guru Clare :

Article: “The Economy Is Not Built by AUCTION” Quote: “The Central Bank recently performed well, so it left the auction platform and came back to respect its currency, the dinar. The most crucial step is to zero out the dinar and purchase 1,250 old dinars for one dinar of the new currency during the exchange after printing the one dinar denomination, which will be worth one dollar.Establishing a dollar as the equivalent of one dinar will prevent citizens, businesspeople, tourists, physicians, and others from chasing after money.

According to Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Secondly, the CBI has repeatedly said that these bigger notes will continue to be utilized for “inter-banking” transactions behind the scenes. Naturally, they will no longer be in use, but they will still be accepted as legal money.According to my CBI friend, the CBI was politically compelled to print these notes in order to meet the needs of the blind and visually handicapped.You should be pleased that these notes will continue to be legal currency even after the Project to Delete the Zeros. No, the CBI won’t take advantage of us investors. [Post 2 of 2]

According to Iraqi Dinar Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat :

Article: “IRAQ ANNOUNCES NEW BANKNOTES FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED WITH INNOVATIVE SECURITY FEATURES…PHOTOS” You shouldn’t be concerned about these updated versions of the three zero notes.I want to stress once more that even when the Project to Delete the Three Zeros is finished, the CBI has repeatedly warned us that these three zero notes will remain in place for a while.In the long run, Iraq will use dinar extensively to cover import costs. Where will they get the money to cover the astronomical prices of imported goods? Many of these transactions will eventually be done electronically, but not quite yet.The bigger three-zero notes would still be required by the banks. [Post 1 of 2…watch this space]

According to Intel Guru Frank26 :

[Report from troops on the ground in Iraq] FIREFLY: According to Mr. Sammy, the pricing adjustment is unrelated to the amendment of Article 12. The Kurds are entitled to their money under Article 12 to pay for the expenses of oil extraction and transportation.They then state that the budget tables will be available. FRANK: That implies that the budget will now be examined line item by line item, and the only method of financing those line items will be…This budget cannot be funded at a program rate, hence the money will need to be based on a separate exchange rate.The new exchange rate is anticipated by everybody. Everything is waiting for it. FIREFLY: We have a close relationship.

According to Iraqi Dinar Intel Guru MarkZ :

[via PDK] Going completely worldwide without any limitations is the main goal of the article “Leaving the Red List is an Important Step to Attract International Companies.” They are no longer regarded as harmful and are no longer on the red list. They require an unrestricted currency in order to be completely global.