News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 1-22-2025


Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 22 Jan. 2025

Compiled Wed. 22 Jan. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 Wolverine:
“We were told that everything was going to start today, and guess what? It IS to start today. I mean notifications should come out, and everything starts tomorrow with funds being released.

I have spoken to platform owners and they have the payment orders. And tomorrow, things will start rocking!

Wolverine cont……Not everyone starts tomorrow. It is a process. Some will start tomorrow, some will start the next day and the next, but it starts from tomorrow onwards.

Some platforms will go Feb 1st or 2nd, some platforms a bit longer. But with the Grace of God, tomorrow is to be D-Day.

Iraq was to start yesterday. But it looks like this will start TODAY. It is now 4 a.m. in Iraq, and hopefully in a couple of hours’ time, that Dinar will go international on the Forex and we will get the big news in a couple of hours’ time so we can celebrate.

This has been a long journey for all of us. Many of people have been told to go to the banks for quite a while and nothing has happened, but now it seems all is ready. The Liquidity and money is there and we are ready to go.

Just yesterday, I put a post about thanking Charlie Ward. I have spoken to Charlie a couple of times, and he told me a while back that nothing would happen till Biden is removed, and that was nearly two years ago. However, I was still getting all the intel otherwise, and others were also getting intel to the otherwise: Bruce, MarkZ, and others were used to create misinformation to catch the “bad people”

Am I being used now? I do not think so, no, because the people I have spoken to, people who actually have appointments with banks, and I’ve seen bank accounts all is ready to go. THIS TIME IT IS REAL. IT IS REAL! Am I excited.

I am excited because tomorrow I know we will be able to celebrate.

In Australia, we have the HSBC. We were told we may have Citibank, but HSBC is the one in Australia. In America there is Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Chase got removed from the RV a while ago. For England, I believe it is HSBC.

You will find out your location when you call your 800 number and they will give you the information.

Yellow Dragon Bonds as soon as we get the message that those tables are closed, they will be closed on that platform. All platforms will be closed.


Mike Baraba: I have two contacts on the B side of it, will not mention platforms and two people in Iraq who tell that the vote they were to take, is to be done later, and we should wake up to it tomorrow (paraphrased). I will have my phone on ring tonight for any calls or texts.

Mon. 20 Evening Jan. 2025 “Well folks from everything I’m hearing, the rate has been established, the CBI is recognized by FOREX. The people in country are spending the lower dominations – dinar. And it is the premiere who is withholding the release for a political consideration from his cabinet.”

Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 US reaches it’s debt limit, Trump has to do something to fund the government.

MarkZ: “My Asian Contact said he was expecting the RV on Tues. 21 Jan. or Wed. 22 Jan.

On Sat. 25 Jan. 2025, the first phase of the wealth redistribution will officially commence for the general public. …JFK Jr. on Telegram


Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 20 Jan. 2025: Outgoing Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that the United States will reach its debt ceiling on January 21, putting President-elect Donald Trump in the position of addressing a national fiscal emergency immediately after taking office. This unexpected warning leaves the incoming administration scrambling to prevent a government default. In a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and other congressional leaders, Yellen  explained that the Treasury would begin “extraordinary measures” to avoid breaching the debt limit.

These measures include suspending federal investments in key retirement and healthcare funds until the debt ceiling is either raised or suspended. “The debt limit does not authorize new spending, but it creates a risk that the federal government might not be able to finance its existing legal obligations,” Yellen wrote, pressing Congress to act promptly.

Tues. 21 Jan. 2025 A NY Sun article argues that divergent central bank policies and interest-rate cuts spark “beggar-thy-neighbor” currency devaluations, undermining free trade by tilting competitive advantages and fueling retaliatory tariffs. It highlights how the Bretton Woods system once provided the stable monetary foundation that enabled robust postwar growth, and proposes that President Trump restore a gold-backed dollar to reestablish both U.S. leadership and a fair playing field in global trade. 

Read full post here:

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Jeff  The critical part is we want to see them advance to the [budget] schedules but the rate has to change before the schedules can be approved…The schedules are the line items in the budget that are calculated off of the new currency value.

Militia Man  …Progress is happening.  They don’t have to tell us everything…That’s not their job.  They can’t just say, ‘We’re going to revalue the currency tomorrow at $4 or $2 or $1 because it’s like insider trading…That’s not going to happen but what they are doing is they are giving you data to some extreme especially since al-Sudani has taken office.


BREAKING NEWS Iraqi Leaders Vote on Controversial Bills Secretly

Edu Matrix:  1-21-2025

BREAKING NEWS: Iraqi Leaders Vote on Controversial Laws!

As the world focuses on the new U.S. President, significant political shifts are unfolding in Iraq. Join us as we dive into the urgent decisions being made by Iraqi leaders regarding three critical laws, including the Personal Status Law, Property Restitution Law, and General Amnesty Law.

These proposals could reshape the future of Iraq amidst rising tensions. Stay tuned for additional breaking news about Iraq’s newfound oil reserves set to boost its economy, and insights on Iran’s influence over Iraq’s government.